
is a Gulp plugin wrapping around svg-sprite which takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types:
- Traditional CSS sprites for use as background images,
- CSS sprites with pre-defined
elements, useful for foreground images as well, - inline sprites using the
element, - inline sprites using the
element - and SVG stacks.
Features & configuration? → svg-sprite
This document covers only gulp specific installation and configuration aspects. For a full list of features and options, please see the svg-sprite manual.
First, install gulp-svg-sprite
as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev gulp-svg-sprite
Then, add it to your gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp'),
svgSprite = require('gulp-svg-sprite');
NOTICE: By default, svg-sprite doesn't send any files downstream unless you configure it. There are tons of options available — please see below for some basic examples. Also, you should possibly take care of errors that might occur.
As options
argument you may provide a main configuration object as described in the svg-sprite manual. Configuration-wise, svg-sprite and gulp-svg-sprite differ only in one respect:
Type: String
Default value: '.'
With Gulp, there is no need to specifiy a main output directory, as the generated files are piped to the next step of the running task anyway. The options.dest
value (if given) is simply ignored.
Basic example
In this very basic example, mostly default settings will be applied to create a traditional CSS sprite (bundle of SVG sprite and CSS stylesheet).
var gulp = require('gulp'),
svgSprite = require('gulp-svg-sprite'),
config = {
mode: {
css: {
render: {
css: true
gulp.src('**/*.svg', { cwd: 'path/to/assets' })
The following files and directories are created:
`-- css
|-- sprite.css
`-- svg
`-- sprite.css-495d2010.svg
The cryptical looking part in the SVG's file name is the result of svg-sprite's cache busting feature which is enabled by default for CSS sprites. We'll turn this off in the next example.
More complex example
The following example is a little more complex:
- We'll create a «view» CSS sprite and a «symbol» sprite in one go.
- Instead of CSS, we'll render a Sass stylesheet resource for the «view» sprite.
- We'll turn off cache busting for the «view» sprite and create extra CSS rules specifying each shape's dimensions.
- We'll downscale the SVG shapes to 32×32 pixels if necessary and add 10 pixels padding to all sides.
- We'll keep the intermediate SVG source files.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
svgSprite = require('gulp-svg-sprite'),
config = {
shape: {
dimension: {
maxWidth: 32,
maxHeight: 32
spacing: {
padding: 10
dest: 'out/intermediate-svg'
mode: {
view: {
bust: false,
render: {
scss: true
symbol: true
gulp.src('**/*.svg', { cwd: 'path/to/assets' })
The following files and directories are created:
|-- intermediate-svg
| |-- weather-clear.svg
| |-- weather-snow.svg
| `-- weather-storm.svg
|-- symbol
| `-- svg
| `-- sprite.symbol.svg
`-- view
|-- sprite.scss
`-- svg
`-- sprite.view.svg
Error handling
Errors might always happen — maybe there are some corrupted source SVG files, the default SVGO plugin configuration is too aggressive or there's just an error in svg-sprite's code. To make your tasks more robust, you might consider using plumber and adding your custom error handling:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
svgSprite = require('gulp-svg-sprite'),
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
config = {
mode: {
css: {
render: {
css: true
gulp.src('**/*.svg', { cwd: '' })
.on('error', function(error) {
Advanced features
For more advanced features like
please refer to the svg-sprite manual.
Please refer to the changelog for a complete release history.
Copyright © 2018 Joschi Kuphal / @jkphl. svg-sprite is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. The contained example SVG icons are part of the Tango Icon Library and belong to the Public Domain.