Hops UI Toolbox
In this repo, we are experimenting with technology that might serve as our next generation front end technology stack: hops spices our brew (i.e. web front end) with ECMAScript and Flow, CSS Next and CSS Modules, JSX/React and Flux/Redux. To get an impression take a look at our example app.
Hops is not yet another boilerplate. Hops is a self-contained but highly extensible development and build environment that is packaged as a single module. Batteries included.
Besides recent versions of Node.js and npm, hops has no global dependencies. If you need those, we recommend using nvm or similar.
mkdir foo && cd foo
npm init -y
npm install -SE hops
A postinstall script will attempt to bootstrap and configure the project hops is being installed to: after installation, you can instantly start developing.
For developing with hops, you can use any decent editor with up-to-date language support. Those without a favorite we recommend Atom with the linter, linter-eslint and linter-stylelint plugins.
npm start (--production)
If called without the --production
flag, a development server with hot module replacement is started. In production mode, a static build is initialized.
If you are developing any kind of real application, you certainly want to be able to test your code. For hops, we chose to include a rather simple testing toolchain consisting of Tape, Enzyme and Istanbul.
npm test (--coverage)
In hops' default configuration, all files with names ending with .test.js
(and outside /node_modules
) are being picked up. As to be expected the --coverage
flag enables code coverage reporting.
render(options: object): function|undefined
is hops main function: it creates a Redux store, sets up React Router and handles rendering both in the browser and in node. Using it is mandatory and its output must be the default export of your main module. And it's a little magic.
import { render } from 'hops';
import { reducers } from './reducers';
import { routes } from './routes';
export default render({ routes, reducers });
In addition to routes
and reducers
, an html mountPoint
selector and a createStore
factory function may be passed as options.
createFetchAction(key: string, options: string|object): function
basically allows you to map a json api url to a specific slice of your application's state. It uses the Fetch API under the hood.
import { createFetchAction } from 'hops';
const fetch = createFetchAction('foo', 'https://example.com/foo');
Both createFetchAction()
and the action creator function it returns accept options
arguments that are merged and passed straight on to fetch()
createAction(key: string): function
is just a small helper function to work with reducers generated with createReducer()
. It is being used internally by createFetchAction()
import { createAction } from 'hops';
const update = createAction('foo');
dispatch(update({'bar': {'$set': 'baz'}}));
createReducer(key: string): function
generates a Redux reducer function using the provided key and React's immutability helpers.
import { createReducer } from 'hops';
export const reducers = { foo: createReducer('foo')};
Hops supports server-side data fetching for route components: it calls their static fetchData
methods and expects them to return promises. Of course, asynchronous actions are supported by using thunks.
The beautiful hops icon used in the logo was created by The Crew at Fusionary and provided via The Noun Project. It is licensed under a Creative Commons license.