
Finding an image for a given URL. imgseeker uses OpenGraph og:image
as a fallback if no config for the hostname is given and og:image exists.
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install imgseeker
var imgseeker = require('imgseeker');
imgseeker.init({});'', function (err, imgUrl)) {
// do something with imgUrl
Options reference
- defaultImg: Boolean, indicates if at least the first img on the page should be returned (Default true)
- request: Object, all properties from mikeal's request module can be used
setting the global config
IMPORTANT: You need to call the init-method () before seeking in an URL. The init-method itself is chainable so you can call imgseeker.init().seek(…
if no config for a hostname is given, imgseeker tries to fetch OpenGraphs og:image
, if there is no og:image it tries to fetch the first image of the page (if defaultImg is set to true)
config-values for 1 host can be provided as String or Array. If they are given as an Array, imgseeker loops over the array, and returns the first element with a working selector (tries to get src-property and if not found a background image). if you do not want the first image, specify a zero-based index separated with a pipe in your selector (e.g. '.your-selector|1' would return the second image found for this selector)
var imgseeker = require('imgseeker');
imgseeker.init(); // setting the global config
seek for a img-url from a page'some-url', function (err, imgUrl) {
// do something with imgUrl
seek for a img-url from a page and define a custom selector (override global config)'some-url', {'some-url': ['.img-class']}function (err, imgUrl) {
// do something with imgUrl
// init and seek with global config (including some request-config)
var imgseeker = require('imgseeker');
request: {
maxConnections: 50,
followAllRedirects: true,
encoding: 'utf-8'
'': ['.some-class > img', '.another-class > img'],
'': ['img']
}).seek('', function (err, imgUrl) {
// do something with imgUrl
// seek with special config (which overrides global config)
var specialConfig = {
'': ['.some-special-selector']
};'', specialConfig, function (err, imgUrl)) {
// do something with imgUrl
// seek for image 2 which was found for this selector
var specialConfig = {
'': ['.some-special-selector|2']
};'', specialConfig, function (err, imgUrl)) {
// do something with imgUrl
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
- use background-image if obj has not a src-property
- add possibility to add index of image to be returned
- bugfix og:images -> og:image
- make all request properties available
- make request timeout settable
- domain-configs as arrays (existing string configs will still work)
- resolve img-urls to absolute urls
- Bastian "hereandnow" Behrens
Copyright (c) 2013 Valiton GmbH
Licensed under the MIT license.