A library to create data structures with Immutable.js enabling efficient change tracking. It can be used in place of any flux implementation, redux, immstruct+omniscent.
With full usage of the library, you can think of it as of streams lines going only vertically, layer by layer, so it is always clear which layer depends on each other. Down streams (because of usage of Immutable.js) will only push data further only if data they contain (Data) or produce (View) actually changed. Layer up stream is a way to signal upper layers - they are counterpart of actions in flux.
Data is independent data source class. Allows direct changes.
View is derivative data source class. Consists of Data input(s) and processor function. Changes everytime each Data input changes.
They both share interface with Iterable
of Immutable.js, but View
is read-only structure.
Direct changes are queued and executed one after another, so they change reactions will never recur.
Domain is wrapper for both Data and View, gathering actions so they are executed in queued fashion as well.
Data-based Domains will be responsible of directly writing to their data sets.
Immview is registered on NPM.
npm i immview --save
import * as IV from 'immview';
var dataSource = new IV.Data({
var dataDerivative = new IV.View(
data => data.set('c', 3)
dataSource.set('a', 3);
If you are using React to create presentation layer of your app you should check immview-react-connect
import {Data} from 'immview';
new Data( initialData: Object )
Data have both read and write functions (list below).
Write functions are queued with Domain actions.
An initialData object can be object any Immutable.js data structure. Plain objects will be transformed to Immutable.js data structures.
Data::read() => Immutable.Iterable
Method used to retrieve current structure holden by the Data.
let d = new Data({a: 1});'a');
Data::write(change: Immutable.Iterable ) => void
Data::write(change: (currentStructure) => Immutable.Iterable) => void
Method used to store new Immutable data structure.
change parameter:
- is any Immutable data structure that should replace current one. If passed value is either undefined or null, replacement will not occur.
- is a function that should return Immutable data structure that should replace current one. If function returns undefined or null, replacement will not occur.
This function will not return changed structure so chaining will not be possible. It is because if this the change is requested mid queue run, it will be postponed and executed after all currently queued commands.
let d = new Data({a:1});
d.write('b', 2));
let d = new Data({a:1});
d.write(structure => structure.set('b', 2));
Data::subscribe( reaction: (data) => void )
Registers a function called every time when the Data changes value that it holds.
import {View} from 'immview';
new View ( dataSource: Data )
new View ( dataSource: View )
new View ( dataSource: Domain )
new View ( dataSources: { [string]: Data/View/Domain } )
new View ( dataSource: Data, processor: dataSource => void )
new View ( dataSource: View , processor: dataSource => void )
new View ( dataSource: Domain , processor: dataSource => void )
new View ( dataSources: { [string]: Data/View/Domain } , processor: dataSource => void )
A View instance has only read functions (list below).
A processor function result can be any Immutable.js data structure.
View::read() => Immutable.Iterable
Method used to retrieve current structure holden by the View.
View::subscribe( reaction: (data) => void )
Registers a function called every time when the View changes value that it holds.
import {Data, View, Domain} from 'immview';
new Domain ( source: Data )
new Domain ( source: View )
new Domain ( source: Data , { [string]:Function } )
new Domain ( source: View , { [string]:Function } )
const Sight = new View({
const Eyes = new Domain(
roll() {
Domain::read() => Immutable.Iterable
Method used to retrieve current structure holden by the Domain's View or Data.
Although Domain can be created using Data, Domain won't be having write method available to discourage writing directly from dependent instances.
Domain::subscribe( reaction: (data) => void )
Registers a function called every time when the Domain's View or Data changes value that it holds.