Immview is a library to create Domain
s - non-visual components
- similar to flux stores, exposing their state or emitting signals
s pushing values and having specific to their concerns actions.
Their primary role is to encapsulate a concern
and to be the only thing exported from a javascript module or modules
that deal with the concern.
It completely replaces any flux implementation or Redux.
If you are familiar with streaming libraries like RxJS,
an Immview taste of Observable
does not have a different meaning or role.
Also, just as RxJS 5, it tries to follow
TC39 Observable proposal.
All Domain
s must be provided with a single stream of values
(so either Origin
or any other transformed Observable
but not all Observable
s must be attached to a Domain
- you can perform many transformations on a source
before it is exposed through a
Immview is registered on NPM.
npm i immview --save
If you are using React to create presentation layer of your app you should check immview-react-connect
Read more
Not compatible with IE8 unless:
- Array.prototype.filter is polyfilled
2.0 Roadmap