Indoqa React Application
A higher order component that provides a ready-to-use setup of redux and react-router.
Working on different react applications, we ended up writing the same createStore()
, <Provider>
and <Router>
initialization code again and again. To avoid this duplicity, we extracted this component that covers middleware configuration, routing and dev tool setup. Only app specific routes and reducers need to be passed as props.
- Redux Middleware
- Redux Dev Tools
- React Router
<IndoqaApplication reduxConfig={reduxConfig} routerConfig={routerConfig} />
Application specific configuration of redux and router is passed as config objects.
const reduxConfig = {
epicFilePath: './reducers',
reducerFilePath: './reducers',
lazyLoad: (path) => require(path).default
To get hot-reloading working, the root reducer and the epics are not passed directly. Specify the disk location of the root reducer file in reducerFilePath and a list of epics in epicFilePath. The lazyLoad() factory function should actually interprete these files and return the objects. This function needs to be bound to current scope in yout index.js (using an arrow function).
const routerConfig = {
routes: myRoutes,
history: browserHistory|hashHistory
Define routes in 'routes.js'
import React from 'react'
import {IndexRoute, Route} from 'react-router'
import App from './path/to/app'
import FooPage from './path/to/FooPage'
import BarPage from './path/to/BarPage'
export default (
<Route component={App} path="/">
<IndexRoute component={FooPage} />
<Route component={BarPage} path="/bar" />
List all reducers and expose them in a separate 'reducer.js' module file
import reducerFoo from './path/to/reducer/foo'
import reducerBar from './path/to/reducer/bar'
export default {
List all epics and expose them in a separate 'epics.js' module file
import epicsFoo from './path/to/epics/foo'
import epicsBar from './path/to/epics/bar'
export default [
Finally, render the app in 'index.js'
import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import IndoqaApplication from 'indoqa-react-app'
import routes from './routes'
const reduxConfig = {
lazyLoad: (path) => require(path).default
<IndoqaApplication reduxConfig={reduxConfig} routerConfig={{routes}} />,