
The landscapeapp is an upstream NPM module that supports building interactive landscape websites such as the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape (source) and the LF Artificial Intelligence Landscape (source). The application is managed by Dan Kohn of CNCF and is under active development by Andrey Kozlov (who did most of the development to date) and Jordi Noguera.
In addition to creating fully interactive sites, the landscapeapp builds static images on each update. See examples in All current Linux Foundation landscapes are listed in landscapes.yml.
Adding and managing landscape entries
When creating new entries, the only 4 required fields are name
, homepage_url
, logo
, and crunchbase
- item:
name: <entry name>
homepage_url: <website for entry>
folder and reference its name.
logo: <logo for entry>
crunchbase: <twitter for entry>
Additional keys that can be set are defined below:
For some of the key, there is some guidance as listed below.
The most challenging part of creating a new landscape is finding SVG images for all projects and companies. These landscapes represent a valuable resource to a community in assembling all related projects, creating a taxonomy, and providing the up-to-date logos, and unfortunately, there are no shortcuts.
Do not try to convert PNGs to SVGs. You can't automatically go from a low-res to a high-res format, and you'll just waste time and come up with a substandard result. Instead, invest your time finding SVGs and then (when necessary) having a graphic designer recreate images when high res ones are not available.
Tips for finding high quality images:
- Google images is often the best way to find a good version of the logo (but ensure it's the up-to-date version). Search for grpc logo filetype:svg but substitute your project or product name for grpc.
- Wikipedia also is a good source for high quality logos ( search in either the main Wikipedia or Wikipedia Commons ).
- VectorLogoZone ( )
- Also search for 'svg' in the GitHub for the project, as sometimes projects will embed them there.
For new landscapes of any size, you will probably need a graphic artist to rebuild some of the logos for you.
If the project is hosted/sponsored by an organization but doesn't have a logo, best practice is to use that organization's logo with the title of the project underneath ( example ). You can use a tool such as Inkscape to add the text.
If you get an error with the image that it has a PNG embeded, you will need to find a different SVG that doesn't include a PNG or work with a graphic artist to rebuild the logo.
SVGs Can't Include Text
SVGs need to not rely on external fonts so that they will render correctly in any web browser, whether or not the correct fonts are installed. That means that all embedded text and tspan elements need to be converted to objects. Use of SVGs with embedded text will fail with an error. You can convert the SVGs as using one of the tools below.
- Go to, and click 'Select File' and select the SVG file.
- Next to 'Convert to', click the dropdown and select 'SVG'
- There will be wrench icon that appears. Click that.
- For the option 'Text To Path', select 'Yes' and then click 'Okay'
- Click 'Convert' to do the conversion and the download the converted file.
Adobe Illustrator
- Select all text
- With the text selected, go to Object > Expand in the top menu
- Export file by going to File > Export > Export As in top menu
- Select SVG from the format drop down and make sure that "Use Artboards" is checked
- This will open a SVG options box, make sure to set Decimal to 5 (that is the highest possible, so to ensure that sufficient detail is preserved)
- Click Okay to export
- Select the text
- Ctrl+K (path combine)
- Ctrl+J (dynamic offset)
- Save
Crunchbase Requirement
We require all landscape entries to include a Crunchbase url. We use the Crunchbase API to fetch the backing organization and headquarters location and (if they exist), Twitter, LinkedIn, funding, parent organization, and stock ticker. For open source, non-affiliated projects, we will just create a nonprofit organization representing the project (if one doesn't already exist), and set the location to the lead developer.
Using an external source for this info saves effort in most cases, because most organizations are already listed. Going forward, the data is being independently maintained and updated over time.
Overriding industries from Crunchbase
To override industries returned from Crunchbase for a specific Crunchbase entry, add it to an crunchbase_overrides
top-level entry on landscape.yml
. For instance, the following will set industries
for Linux Foundation to Linux and Cloud Computing:
- Linux
- Cloud Computing
must be a top-level key on landscape.yml
, so it should be a sibling of landscape
. That's to prevent having to override multiple items that share the same Crunchbase URL.
External Data
The canonical source for all data is landscape.yml
. Once a day, the landscapeapp update_server pulls data for projects and companies from the following sources:
- Project info from GitHub
- Funding info from Crunchbase
- Market cap data from Yahoo Finance
- CII Best Practices Badge data
The update server enhances the source data with the fetched data and saves the result in processed_landscape.yml
and as data.json
, the latter of which is what the app loads to display data.
Creating a New Landscape
If you want to create an interactive landscape for your project or organization:
- Note ahead of time that the hardest part of building a landscape is getting hi-res images for every project. You cannot convert from a PNG or JPEG into an SVG. You need to get an SVG, AI, or EPS file. When those aren't available, you will need a graphic designer to recreate several images. Don't just use an auto-tracer to try to convert PNG to SVG because there is some artistry involved in making it look good. Please review this primer on image formats.
- Create a repo
so it's distinct from other landscapes stored in the same directory. From inside your new directory, copy over files from a simpler landscape like with cp -r ../graphql-landscape/* ../graphql-landscape/.github ../graphql-landscape/.gitignore ../graphql-landscape/.npmrc ../graphql-landscape/.nvmrc .
. - If you're working with the LF, give admin privileges to the new repo to dankohn and write privleges to AndreyKozlov1984, jordinl83, and CNCF-Bot and ping Dan after creating an account at Alex Contini and Dan are available there to help you recreate SVGs based on a PNG of the company's logo, if necessary, and to fix other problems.
- Set the repo to only support merge commits and turn off DCO support, since it doesn't work well with the GitHub web interface:

- Edit
and landscape.yml
for your topic. - Generate a QR code, setting colors to black. Save as SVG and overwrite images/qr.svg.
- Run
y reset-tweet-count
to start the count of tweets mentioning your landscape at zero. - Edit landscapes.yml to add your project.
API Keys
You want to add the following to your ~/.bash_profile
. If you're with the LF, ask Dan Kohn on CNCF Slack for the Crunchbase and Twitter keys.
For the GitHub key, please go to and create a key (you can call it personal landscape
) with no permissions. That is, don't click any checkboxes, because you only need to access public repos.
export CRUNCHBASE_KEY_4="key-here"
export TWITTER_KEYS=keys-here
export GITHUB_KEY=key-here
Installing Locally
You can administer a landscape without ever needing to install the software locally. However, a local install is helpful for rapid development, as it reduces the 5 minute build time on Netlify to 10 seconds or less locally. In particular, you want a local install when you're reconfiguring the layout. We recommend installing one or more landscapes as sibling directories to the landscapeapp. Then, you want to install the npm modules for landscapeapp but not for any of the landscapes. Here are the install directions.
So, if you're in a directory called dev
, you would do:
dev$ git clone
dev$ git clone
dev$ cd landscapeapp
dev$ npm install -g yarn@latest
dev$ yarn
Now, to use the local landscapeapp you can add the following to your ~/.bash_profile
or .zshrc
function y { export PROJECT_PATH=`pwd` && (cd ../landscapeapp && yarn run "$@")}
export -f y
alias yf='y fetch'
alias yl='y check-links'
alias yq='y remove-quotes'
alias yp='y build && y open:dist'
alias yo='y open:src'
alias a='for lpath in /Users/your-username/dev/{landscapeapp,cdf-landscape,lfai-landscape}; do echo $lpath; git -C $lpath pull -p; done; (cd /Users/your-username/dev/landscapeapp && yarn);'
Reload with . ~/.bash_profile
and then use yo
, yf
, etc. to run functions on the landscape in your landscape directory. a
will do a git pull on each of the project directories you specify and install any necessary node modules for landscapeapp.
Adding to a google search console
Go to the google search console, add a new property, enter the url of the
given project, for example,
Next, google will want to verify that it is your site, thus you need to choose
an html tag verification
option and copy a secret code from it and put it to
the settings.yml
of a given landscape project. Then commit the change to the default branch and
wait till Netlify deploys the default branch. The key is named google_site_veryfication
and it is
somewhere around line 14 in settings.yml. After netlify succesfully deploys
that dashbaord, verify the html tag in a google console. Do not forget to add as someone who has a full access from a Settings
menu for a given search console.
Vulnerability reporting
Please open an issue or, for sensitive information, email
Continuous Integration and NPM Publishing
We have a sophisticated build system.
We build this landscapeapp repo together with every landscape after each commit
to the landscapeapp. A list of landscapes is stored in the landscapes.yml
An individual landscape is built on a PR to that landscape.
Details about building a repo on netlify:
Building an individual landscape
To build an individual landscape, we use Netlify. Netlify has certain
issues with the performance and their caching algorithm is ineffective, thus in
order to produce the fastest build, these steps are done
Note, that script netlify/landscape.js
from THIS repo is used to run an
individual build on every landscape.
A file netlify.toml specifies which commands are used and how to make a build.
We start from the netlify
folder and then download the landscape.js script from the default branch
of a landscapeapp repo and then run a node netlify/landscape.js
script because otherwise, Netlify will run an unnecessary npm install
In order to make a build as fast as possible, we designed a way to run it on our
own build server. The problem is that Netlify uses very slow and cheap amazon
virtual machines, while our build server has a lot of CPUs and enough of RAM, that
allows further parallelization during build steps.
Running "remotely" on our build server (fast and by default)
When an environment variable BUILD_SERVER is set, the following steps will occur:
- the interactive-landscape package of the latest version is downloaded from npm
- a current checkout of an individual landscape with a
in a
folder is rsynced and sent to our build server - we use a hash of .nvmrc + package.json + npm-shrinkwrap.json from the
repo as a key to cache node_modules
, ~/.nvm
and ~/.npm
this way if the hash has not changed - we reuse existing node_modules without any
setup - if a hash is different, we install node_modules and cache
and node_modules
for further usage - finally, we run a build on our remote server via ssh, and when the build is
done, the output is returned via rsync
Those extra steps allow us to run a build faster because we avoid an npm install
almost every time and extra RAM and CPU allow running npm tasks renderLandscape
and jest
in parallel.
Still, if for certain reasons, remote solution stopped to work and we need to
restore the Netlify build process as soon as possible, BUILD_SERVER variable
should be set to empty in either a given landscape or in a shared variables
section. Usually, the build will fail for all the landscapes, thus renaming the
variable to BUILD_SERVER_1 in shared variables is the most efficient way.
One of the possible issues why remote builds would stop to work,
although let's hope that will never change, would be that a cache folder is broken, therefore
ssh root@${BUILD_SERVER}
and then calling rm -rf /root/build
on our build server will clear all the caches used for node_modules.
Then you need to trigger a Netlify build again.
Running "locally" on Netlify instances (if the remote server is broken)
Without BUILD_SERVER variable, the following steps are done, from a file netlify/
- the interactive-landscape package of the latest version is downloaded from npm
- we go to that folder
- we install node_modules via
npm install
- we run
PROJECT_PATH=.. npm run
build from the interactive-landscape package
Building this repo, landscapeapp
on a Netlify
We want to ensure that we are making builds of all the landscapes, defined in
Netlify parameters are stored in the notilfy.toml
file, and it runs the
node netlify/landscapeapp.js
from the netlify
First, we check if the hash of .nvmrc
, package.json
and npm-shrinkwrap
file already exists as a key of our cache on our remote server.
If it does exist, it means we can use this folder for node_modules
, .npm
and .nvm
folders for every individual landscape.
Then we use rsync to send the current checkout of a repo to our remote server
Then for every individual landscape, we run a
file on a remote
server, in each own docker container for every landscape. That is done in parallel. The file
checks out the
default branch of a given landscape and then runs npm run build
with a
PROJECT_PATH pointed to the given landscape
When all builds had been finished, the output is returned to the dist/${}
subfolder and logs are shown.
Then _redirects and _headers files are generated to allow us to view
individual landscapes from a Netlify build.
This repo is built only on our build server because Netlify has a 30 minutes timeout and we can not build individual landscapes there in parallel. Still,
if every build fails and there are no obvious reasons, it may help to clear a
node_modules cache: ssh root@${BUILD_SERVER}
and then calling rm -rf /root/build
and then running a new build on Netlify again
Setting up our build server to speed up Netlify builds
If for some reasons our current server is lost or wiped, or we have to rent a different build server, these are required steps
- Install docker on a new server. Just the latest docker, nothing else is
- Generate a new pair of ssh keys, and add a public key to the
file - Take a private key without first and last lines, replace \n with space, and
add as a BUILDBOT_KEY variable to the shared variable on a Netlify website
- Update the BUILD_SERVER shared variable on a Netlify website and provide
the IP address of the new build server
To just check that all is fine, go to the netlify
folder on your computer,
checkout any branch you want or even make local changes, and run node landscapeapp.js
, do not forget to set all required variables, including the
BUILDBOT_KEY and BUILD_SERVER. The build should finish with the success and
copy generated files and folders to the dist
folder in the root of the repo checkout
Keeping Project Up to Date
We have an issue #75, where we update all out packages. This is how an update
is usually done:
- Create a new folder like 75-update-2019-10-16
- Run
ncu -u
which is same as npm-check-updates -u
, do not forget to
install npm install -g npm-check-updates
- Run
npm install
, commit and push and make a PR - Check that everything runs locally, i.e.
npm run open:src should still work well
- Check that there are no layout issues on generated landscapes
- Do not forget to read README about those npm packages, which are mentioned in
a red color, i.e. have a major update. They may require to implement certain
changes in our code.
Embed landscape in a web site
You can embed the landscape in a website in a few different ways...
- If you want just a full static image of the landscape in landscape mode, you can do:
<!-- Embed ASWF landscape as a PNG -->
<img src="" alt="Academy Software Foundation Landscape Image">
- If you want to embed the card mode for listing a category of entries ( for example members in a foundation or entries in a certain program ), you can do:
<!-- Embed list of all Open Mainframe Project members -->
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" id="landscape" scrolling="no" style="width: 1px; min-width: 100%; opacity: 1; visibility: visible; overflow: hidden; height: 1717px;"></iframe>
<script src=""></script>