Koajs 2 Rate Limit (Bruteforce)

Rate-limiting middleware for Koa2 with async
. Use to limit repeated requests to APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.
Note: This module is based on express-rate-limit and adapted to koa2 ES6 with the async
$ npm install --save koa2-ratelimit
For an API-only server where the rate-limiter should be applied to all requests:
const RateLimit = require('koa2-ratelimit').RateLimit;
const limiter = RateLimit.middleware({
interval: { min: 15 },
max: 100,
Create multiple instances to apply different rules to different routes:
const RateLimit = require('koa2-ratelimit').RateLimit;
const KoaRouter = require('koa-router');
const router = new KoaRouter();
const getUserLimiter = RateLimit.middleware({
interval: 15*60*1000,
max: 100,
prefixKey: 'get/user/:id'
router.get('/user/:id', getUserLimiter, (ctx) => {
const createAccountLimiter = RateLimit.middleware({
interval: { hour: 1, min: 30 },
delayAfter: 1,
timeWait: 3*1000,
max: 5,
prefixKey: 'post/user',
message: "Too many accounts created from this IP, please try again after an hour",
messageKey: "message"
router.post('/user', createAccountLimiter, (ctx) => {
Set default options to all your middleware:
const RateLimit = require('koa2-ratelimit').RateLimit;
message: 'Get out.',
const getUserLimiter = RateLimit.middleware({
max: 100,
const createAccountLimiter = RateLimit.middleware({
max: 5,
Use with RedisStore
npm install redis@4
const RateLimit = require('koa2-ratelimit').RateLimit;
const Stores = require('koa2-ratelimit').Stores;
message: 'Get out.',
store: new Stores.Redis({
socket: {
host: 'redis_host',
port: 'redis_port',
password: 'redis_password',
database: 1
const getUserLimiter = RateLimit.middleware({
prefixKey: 'get/user/:id',
router.get('/user/:id', getUserLimiter, (ctx) => {});
const createAccountLimiter = RateLimit.middleware.middleware({
prefixKey: 'post/user',
router.post('/user', createAccountLimiter, (ctx) => {});
Use with SequelizeStore
npm install sequelize@5
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const RateLimit = require('koa2-ratelimit').RateLimit;
const Stores = require('koa2-ratelimit').Stores;
const sequelize = new Sequelize();
message: 'Get out.',
store: new Stores.Sequelize(sequelize, {
tableName: 'ratelimits',
tableAbuseName: 'ratelimitsabuses',
const getUserLimiter = RateLimit.middleware({
prefixKey: 'get/user/:id',
router.get('/user/:id', getUserLimiter, (ctx) => {});
const createAccountLimiter = RateLimit.middleware.middleware({
prefixKey: 'post/user',
router.post('/user', createAccountLimiter, (ctx) => {});
Use with MongooseStore (Mongodb)
npm install mongoose@5
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const RateLimit = require('koa2-ratelimit').RateLimit;
const Stores = require('koa2-ratelimit').Stores;
await mongoose.connect();
message: 'Get out.',
store: new Stores.Mongodb(mongoose.connection, {
collectionName: 'ratelimits',
collectionAbuseName: 'ratelimitsabuses',
A ctx.state.rateLimit
property is added to all requests with the limit
, current
, and remaining
number of requests for usage in your application code.
interval: Time Type - how long should records of requests be kept in memory. Defaults to 60000
(1 minute).
delayAfter: max number of connections during interval
before starting to delay responses. Defaults to 1
. Set to 0
to disable delaying.
timeWait: Time Type - how long to delay the response, multiplied by (number of recent hits - delayAfter
). Defaults to 1000
(1 second). Set to 0
to disable delaying.
max: max number of connections during interval
milliseconds before sending a 429
response code. Defaults to 5
. Set to 0
to disable.
message: Error message returned when max
is exceeded. Defaults to 'Too many requests, please try again later.'
statusCode: HTTP status code returned when max
is exceeded. Defaults to 429
headers: Enable headers for request limit (X-RateLimit-Limit
) and current usage (X-RateLimit-Remaining
) on all responses and time to wait before retrying (Retry-After
) when max
is exceeded.
skipFailedRequests: when true
, failed requests (response status >= 400) won't be counted. Defaults to false
whitelist: Array of whitelisted IPs/UserIds to not be rate limited.
getUserIdFromKey: Function that extracts from given key the userId. Defaults to (key) => key.split(options.prefixKeySeparator)
prefixKeySeparator: Separator string between the prefixKey and the userId. Defaults to ::
. (Set it to |
if you want whitelist userIds)
getUserId: Function used to get userId (if connected) to be added as key and saved in bdd, should an abuse case surface. Defaults:
async function (ctx) {
const whereFinds = [ctx.state.user, ctx.user, ctx.state.User,
ctx.User, ctx.state, ctx];
const toFinds = ['id', 'userId', 'user_id', 'idUser', 'id_user'];
for (const whereFind of whereFinds) {
if (whereFind) {
for (const toFind of toFinds) {
if (whereFind[toFind]) {
return whereFind[toFind];
return null;
keyGenerator: Function used to generate keys. By default userID (if connected) or the user's IP address. Defaults:
async function (ctx) {
const userId = await this.options.getUserId(ctx);
if (userId) {
return `${this.options.prefixKey}|${userId}`;
return `${this.options.prefixKey}|${ctx.request.ip}`;
skip: Function used to skip requests. Returning true from the function will skip limiting for that request. Defaults:
async function () {
return false;
handler: The function to execute once the max limit has been exceeded. It receives the request and the response objects. The "next" param is available if you need to pass to the next middleware. Defaults:
async function (ctx) {
ctx.status = this.options.statusCode;
ctx.body = { message: this.options.message };
if (this.options.headers) {
ctx.set('Retry-After', Math.ceil(this.options.interval / 1000));
onLimitReached: Function to listen each time the limit is reached. It call the store to save abuse, You can use it to debug/log. Defaults:
async function (ctx) {
key: await this.options.keyGenerator(ctx),
ip: ctx.request.ip,
user_id: await this.options.getUserId(ctx),
weight: Function to set the incrementation of the counter depending on the request. Defaults:
async function () {
return 1;
store: The storage to use when persisting rate limit attempts. By default, the MemoryStore is used.
Avaliable data stores are:
- MemoryStore: (default)Simple in-memory option. Does not share state when app has multiple processes or servers.
- SequelizeStore: more suitable for large or demanding deployments.
The delayAfter
and timeWait
options were written for human-facing pages such as login and password reset forms.
For public APIs, setting these to 0
(disabled) and relying on only interval
and max
for rate-limiting usually makes the most sense.
Time Type
Time type can be milliseconds or an object
Times = {
ms ?: number,
sec ?: number,
min ?: number,
hour ?: number,
day ?: number,
week ?: number,
month ?: number,
year ?: number,
interval: { hour: 1, min: 30 },
timeWait: { week: 2 },
interval: { ms: 2000 },
timeWait: 2000,
0.9.1 to 1.0.0
1.0.0 moves sequelize, mongoose and redis from dependencies to peerDependencies.
Install the one you use (see Use with RedisStore, Use with SequelizeStore or Use with MongooseStore (Mongodb)).
The rest did not change.
MIT © YSO Corp