Koreografeye Email plugin
A Koreografeye plugin to send an email to an address.
yarn add koreografeye-email
Change the config.jsonld configuration file and add the plugin definition.
In @context
add "https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/koreografeye-email/^1.0.0/components/context.jsonld"
Add the plugin definition:
"@id": "http://example.org/sendEmail",
"@type": "SendEmailPlugin",
"host": "mail.gmx.com",
"port": 465,
"secure": true,
"user": "yourusername",
"password": "********"
The Koreografeye N3 rules should produce a ex:sendEmail
policy to trigger
this plugin. An example N3 rule file is provided below:
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/> .
@prefix as: <https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#> .
@prefix pol: <https://www.example.org/ns/policy#> .
@prefix fno: <https://w3id.org/function/ontology#> .
@prefix string: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/string#> .
?id a as:Update .
ex:MyEmailPolicy pol:policy [
a fno:Execution ;
fno:executes ex:sendEmail ;
ex:to "patrick.hochstenbach@gmail.com" ;
ex:from "patrick_hochstenbach@gmx.net" ;
ex:subject "A new resource was created!" ;
ex:body "You got a new notification"
] .
When installing the source code from the https://github.com/eyereasoner/Koreografeye-Plugin
one can run an email demo using the code example below:
# Run an orchestrator on the in/demo.ttl with rules/demo.n3
yarn orch
# Execute the resulting policy
yarn pol
is a demonstration Event Notificationrules/demo.n3
is a demonstration rule that defined what to do with the notification