The list of channels used by LevelNews.org to organize the website. Each channel is a topic. The channel list is in JSON format. Take a look at the data.js
file if you're just looking to see what channels are configured.
For publishers and writers
This module also contains keywords related to each channel. If you are a publisher or writer and your web domain and twitter handle are already listed in our news feed directory, take a look at the keywords
directory in this module to give you an idea of how to get our bots to pick up your story automagically (similar to SEO). Each channel/topic has a corresponding file inside of the keywords
directory that tells you what the magic words are to include in your article's title, url, and description and keywords meta tags. Level News is not exclusively limiting itself to these keywords, but you can use the ones included here as a general guide.
If you'd like to make a suggestion, please click the "Issues" tab in the GitHub repository. Or if you feel like writing some JSON and opening a GitHub pull request, feel free to do so. You can also email vision (@) levelnews.org.
Usage with Node.js/NPM
npm install ln-config-channels --save
const configChannels = ('ln-config-channels')
// { 'ActionAlerts': { 'topic': '...'}, 'Activism': .... }
// same as .data, w/ addt'l `keywords` array as property of each channel key
// returns array of channel names (only)
// returns array of keywords related to channel name passed in
// if bad channel name is passed it, will return empty array