
The Ltl template language (pronounced "little") uses a clean
Jade-like syntax to generate
HTML at doT-like speeds.
If you love tight code and fast rendering, you're right at home.
Getting Started
$ npm install ltl
var ltl = require('ltl');
var template = ltl.compile('#hi Hello #{name}!');
var result = template({name: 'World'});
ltl.compile(code, [options])
is a string of ltl code.options
is an object with any of the following properties:name
will cause the template to cache at ltl.templates[name]
causes HTML to be indented, using space
as indentation.
ltl.setOption(name, value)
is the name of a compiler option.value
is the default value you'd like to set it to.
The following compiler options are available:
is the name of the variable that Ltl concatenates to. (Default: "o")contextVar
is the name of the argument that passes context into a template. (Default: "c")partsVar
is the name of the argument that a Ltl template receives from callers. (Default: "p")tabWidth
is the number of spaces that tabs are converted to before compilation. (Default: 4)
Tag nesting is done with whitespace. You can use tabs or spaces,
and Ltl can detect the number of spaces you're using.
title Hello World!
div Here is some content.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World!</title>
<div>Here is some content.</div>
<!DOCTYPE html>
is automagically inserted before an <html>
tag. If you would like to specify a custom doctype, you can use the shorthand doctype
or !
<!DOCTYPE svg>
Nesting can also be done with one-liners using >
div>span Boo!
IDs and Classes
HTML id and class attributes are done with #
and .
div#myId.myClass.myOtherClass Hello
<div id="myId" class="myClass myOtherClass">Hello</div>
When there is no tag name, div is assumed
.hi Hello
<div class="hi">Hello</div>
Attributes are contained in parentheses, and treated like
they would be inside an HTML tag.
(style="display:none" data-something="peek-a-boo") Hide me
<div style="display:none;" data-something="peek-a-boo">Hide me</div>
Note: Unlike Jade, ltl does not use commas between attributes.
Untagged Lines
If you want to insert a line of text without wrapping it in a tag,
just start the line with a minus.
- Hello!
<h1><img src="/logo.png">Hello!</h1>
You can output blocks of content using :
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog asks, "Why should YOU go
to jail for a crime someone else noticed?"
<div id="blah">
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog asks, "Why should YOU go
to jail for a crime someone else noticed?"
Blocks can be passed through filters, such as markdown.
# Ltl
It's a recursive acronym for "Ltl Template Language".
<h1>ltl</h1><p>It's a recursive acronym for "Ltl Template Language".</p>
Ltl comments are added by using //
as a tag, and they do not output any
HTML. The //
tag can be used on one line or as a block.
h1 Comments
// No one will see this.
p Hello from
This won't be shown.
Neither will this.
<h1>Comments</h1><p>Hello from</p>
HTML comments are add by using -
as a tag.
- Begin page
p Hello
- End page
p Delete me
You can output the value of a context property with ${..}
and special HTML characters will be escaped for you to
prevent silly little XSS attacks.
var code = '. Hello ${name}!';
var template = ltl.compile(code)
template({name: 'Sam'});
<div>Hello Sam!</div>
To encode for a URL rather than HTML, use &{}
Context: {query: "good brewpubs"}
<a href="?q=good%20brewpubs">good brewpubs</a>
If you'd like your content to skip encoding (because
you want your expression to output raw HTML tags rather
than safely escaped text), use ={..}
Context: {unsafe: "<script>alert('Gotcha!')</script>"}
. ={unsafe}
If you want to show ${..}
, &{..}
or ={..}
blocks in your output,
you can escape with a backslash.
code \${escaped} or \={raw}
<code>${escaped} or ={raw}
to iterate over an array inside the context.
- Context:
{list: ['IPA', 'Porter', 'Stout']}
for item in list
li #{item}
Use for..of
to iterate over an object's keys.
for field, value of data
li #{field}: #{value}
Use if
, else
or else if
to render conditionally.
The control statement's inline content gets evaluated
as JavaScript.
if username == 'root'
. Do as you please.
else if username
. Do as you can.
. Don't.
You can use builtin JavaScript objects and whatnot.
if Math.random() > 0.5
p This has a 50/50 chance of showing.
Using templates within templates
A template can call another template with call
. To accomplish
this, you must compile your templates with
, and
they will be stored in ltl.cache
. The template that's being
called can access the data context.
var temp = ltl.compile('p\n call bold', {name: 'temp'});
var bold = ltl.compile('b #{text}', {name: 'bold'});
ltl.cache.temp({text: 'Hi!'});
With set
and get
, a template can get content from a
template that calls it. The calling template declares what
it will pass using set
blocks, and the called template
reads data with get
var layout = ltl.compile('#nav\n get nav\n#content\n get content', {name: 'layout'});
var page = ltl.compile('call layout\n set nav\n . Nav\n set content\n . Content', {name: 'page'});;
<div id="nav">Nav</div><div id="content">Content</div>
Clone the repository.
$ git clone
Install dependencies.
$ npm install
Run all tests.
$ npm test
Run tests an rerun them after changes are made.
$ npm run retest
Run individual test files.
$ mocha test/api
$ mocha test/blocks
$ mocha test/control
$ mocha test/interpolation
Test coverage (100% required).
$ npm run cover
View coverage report in a browser (uses Mac OS-friendly open
$ npm run report
Write something awesome and submit a pull request!