This software can help to migrate your own configuration from one release to another - with files
Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h
creating file for issue publication mct git 1.1.0-RC7 txt
(compare 1.1.0-RC7 release with your current files in folder and create readable text file)
migrate configuration:
- with one command you can create .json files with your personal states/values/comments for each #define
- example: `mct git 1.1.0-RC7 json` (compare 1.1.0-RC7 release with your current files in folder and create .json)
than copy .json files to another folder or change git branch
recover your configuration
- example: `mct git 1.1.0-RC8 h` (use 1.1.0-RC8 release and add your stored in .json configuration)
sudo npm -g i marlin-conf
mct help
usage: mct help|git|tree
mct git <git-tag> json|h|txt
json: compare [gitroot]/Marlin/Configuration*.h files
between git-tag files and files in folder then
create .json files with your personal setting
h: extend [gitroot]/Marlin/Configuration*.h files
from git-tag with .json files contained your personal setting
txt: like json but create txt files contained only changes
for publication
mct tree json|h|rm
Each of these traverse [gitroot]/Marlin/example_configurations directory
json: compare configurations with main files [gitroot]/Marlin/Configuration*.h
and generate .json file with its differences for each
and .not files for #defines which not present in base files
h: recreate .h files based on
main files [gitroot]/Marlin/Configuration*.h and .json
rm: remove .json and .not files