International Telephone Input for Angular Material (mat-tel-input)
An Angular Material package for entering and validating international telephone numbers. It adds a flag dropdown to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder and provides formatting/validation methods.

This is a fork from the ngx-mat-intl-tel-input library whish does not seems to be maintained anymore. Last commit is over a year
- Angular v19
- Angular Material v19
- ReactiveFormsModule
- FormsModule
- Validation with libphonenumber-js
Install This Library
$ npm i mat-tel-input@latest
Install Dependencies Optional
$ npm i libphonenumber-js@latest
Add MatTelInput
to your component file:
imports: [MatTelInput];
Refer to main app in this repository for working example.
<mat-form-field [floatLabel]="'always'">
<mat-tel-input [preferredCountries]="['us', 'tz']" [enablePlaceholder]="true" [enableSearch]="true" name="phone" describedBy="phoneInput" formControlName="phone" />
<mat-form-field [floatLabel]="'always'">
[preferredCountries]="['us', 'gb']"
(countryChanged)="yourComponentMethodToTreatyCountryChangedEvent($event)" // $event is a instance of current select Country
If you want to show the sample number for the country selected or errors , use mat-hint anf mat-error as
<mat-form-field [floatLabel]="'always'">
<mat-tel-input [preferredCountries]="['us', 'tz']" [enablePlaceholder]="true" [enableSearch]="true" name="phone" describedBy="phoneInput" formControlName="phone" />
<mat-hint>e.g. {{phone.selectedCountry.placeHolder}}</mat-hint>
<mat-error *ngIf="f.form.controls['phone']?.errors?.required">Required Field</mat-error>
<mat-error *ngIf="f.form.controls['phone']?.errors?.validatePhoneNumber">Invalid Number</mat-error>
Options | Type | Default | Description |
enablePlaceholder | boolean | false | Input placeholder text, which adapts to the country selected. |
enableSearch | boolean | false | Whether to display a search bar to help filter down the list of countries |
format | string | default | Format of "as you type" input. Possible values: national, international, default |
placeholder | string | undefined | Placeholder for the input component. |
maxLength | number | 15 | max length of the input. |
onlyCountries | string[] | [] | List of manually selected country abbreviations, which will appear in the dropdown. |
preferredCountries | string[] | [] | List of country abbreviations, which will appear at the top. |
resetOnChange | boolean | false | Reset input on country change |
searchPlaceholder | string | Search ... | Placeholder for the search input |
Options | Type | Default | Description |
countryChanged | EventEmitter<Country> | undefined | On country change |
Css variable
Name | Default | Explanation |
--mat-tel-input-opacity | 1 | If you wish both, the country flag and the placeholder to be shown by default |
--mat-tel-input-selector-opacity | 1 | If you wish the country flag to be shown by default |
--mat-tel-input-placeholder-opacity | 1 | If you wish the placeholder flag to be shown by default |
--mat-tel-input-flag-display | inline-block | If you wish to hide the country flag |
In case you had to manually remove the validator, the library exported it so you could add it back again.
Name | Description | Example |
matTelInputValidator | The actual phone validator used for the control | phoneControl.addValidators([matTelInputValidator]) |
Library Contributions
- Fork repo.
- Go to
- Update
with new functionality. - Update
- Pull request.
Helpful commands
- Copy license and readme files:
$ npm run copy-files
- Publish package:
$ npm run publish
Authors and acknowledgment