Communicate with a MockServer from any node or grunt build

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Getting Started
MockServer allows you to mock any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS (i.e. (REST) services, web sites, etc). Please note that it is a third party project that needs java.
This npm module allows any grunt or node project to easily communicate with a running MockServer instance.
As an addition to this module for communicating with a running MockServer there is a second project that can be used to start and stop a MockServer called mockserver-node.
The MockServer client can be created as follows:
var mockServer = require('mockserver-client'),
mockServerClient = mockServer.mockServerClient
Note: this assumes you have an instance of MockServer running on port 1080.
For more information on how to do so check mockserver-node.
Setup Expectation
A simple expectation can be set up as follows:
mockServerClient("localhost", 1080)
.mockSimpleResponse('/somePath', { name: 'value' }, 203)
function(result) {
function(error) {
A more complex expectation can be set up like this:
mockServerClient("localhost", 1080)
'httpRequest': {
'method': 'POST',
'path': '/somePath',
'queryStringParameters': [
'name': 'test',
'values': [ 'true' ]
'body': {
'type': "STRING",
'value': 'someBody'
'httpResponse': {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': JSON.stringify({ name: 'value' }),
'delay': {
'timeUnit': 'MILLISECONDS',
'value': 250
'times': {
'remainingTimes': 1,
'unlimited': false
function(result) {
function(error) {
For the full syntax support see MockServer - Creating JavaScript Expectations.
Verify Requests
It is also possible to verify that request were made:
mockServerClient("localhost", 1080)
'method': 'POST',
'path': '/somePath',
'body': 'someBody'
1, true
function() {
function(failure) {
It is furthermore possible to verify that sequences of requests were made in a specific order:
mockServerClient("localhost", 1080)
'method': 'POST',
'path': '/somePathOne',
'body': 'someBody'
'method': 'GET',
'path': '/somePathTwo'
'method': 'GET',
'path': '/somePathThree'
function() {
function(failure) {
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
Date | Version | Description |
2014-28-10 | v0.0.1 | Initial release |
2014-28-10 | v0.0.2 | Fixed module naming |
2014-28-10 | v0.0.3 | Fixing module loading |
2014-28-10 | v0.0.4 | Fixing badges |
2014-01-11 | v1.0.0 | Cleaned code & removed duplication |
2014-02-11 | v1.0.1 | Added wercker build process |
2014-21-11 | v1.0.2 | Fixed asynchronous errors |
2014-04-12 | v1.0.3 | Improved connection error handling |
2014-04-12 | v1.0.4 | Supporting protractor based promises |
2015-04-06 | v1.0.5 | Upgrading dependencies |
2015-06-02 | v1.0.6 | Improved clear and dumpToLog options |
2015-09-27 | v1.0.7 | Fixed error with query parameter handling |
2015-09-27 | v1.0.8 | Fixed documentation |
2015-09-28 | v1.0.9 | Fixed documentation again |
2015-10-11 | v1.0.10 | Added retrieve requests or expectations |
2016-09-27 | v1.0.11 | Updated dependencies |
2016-10-09 | v1.0.12 | Resolved issues with dependencies |
2017-04-30 | v1.0.13 | Added websocket (i.e. method callbacks) |
2017-05-03 | v1.0.14 | Backward compatibility for mockAnyResponse |
2017-05-03 | v1.0.15 | Improving promise logic for protractor |
2017-05-04 | v1.0.16 | Removed grunt peer dependencies |
2017-11-18 | v2.0.0 | Improved error handling for server validation |
2017-12-06 | v5.1.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.1.0 |
2017-12-07 | v5.1.1 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.1.1 |
2017-12-10 | v5.2.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.2.0 |
2017-12-11 | v5.2.1 | Improved error output + upgrade to 5.2.1 |
2017-12-12 | v5.2.2 | Fixed incorrect error format 5.2.2 |
2017-12-18 | v5.2.3 | Added retrieveLogs + upgrade to 5.2.3 |
2017-12-25 | v5.3.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.3.0 |
2018-11-04 | v5.4.1 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.4.1 |
2018-11-16 | v5.5.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.5.0 |
2018-12-29 | v5.5.1 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.5.1 |
2019-06-02 | v5.5.4 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.5.4 |
2019-06-02 | v5.6.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.6.0 |
2019-07-26 | v5.6.1 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.6.1 |
2019-11-01 | v5.7.0 | Cleaned code & upgrading to 5.7.0 |
2019-11-10 | v5.7.1 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.7.1 |
2019-11-17 | v5.7.2 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.7.2 |
2019-12-01 | v5.8.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.8.0 |
2019-12-24 | v5.8.1 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.8.1 |
2020-02-01 | v5.9.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.9.0 |
2020-03-24 | v5.10.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.10.0 |
2020-07-08 | v5.11.0 | Upgrading MockServer to 5.11.0 |
Task submitted by James D Bloom