My Easy Js
a simple library to make common js tasks easier
npm install my-easy-js
1- search for a word in an array:
import {searchArr} from 'my-easy-js';
const arr = ['john','jack','bob','jane','boby']
searchArr(arr,'bob') // ['bob','boby']
2- search in an array of objects:
import {searchArrOfObjs} from 'my-easy-js';
const arr = [
const newArr = searchArrOfObjs(arr,'name','bob');
3- sort an array of objects by one of object's properties:
import {sortArrOfObjs} from 'my-easy-js';
const arr = [
const newArr = sortArrOfObjs(arr,'id');
4-shuffle - randomize order of items of an array and return a new array
import {shuffleArr} from 'my-easy-js';
const arr = ['john','jack','bob','jane','boby']
const newArr = shuffleArr(arr);
5-shorten string by word count
import {shortenText} from 'my-easy-js'
const longString = 'a very long string to be shortened!'
const newString = shortenText(longString,4); //a very long string...
6- format a number with thousands separators
import {formatNumber} from 'my-easy-js'
const num = formatNumber(120000000) //120,000,000
new methods to be added