NativeScript Social Share Plugin
A NativeScript plugin to use the native social sharing widget on Android and iOS. Currently this module supports image and text sharing.

$ tns plugin add nativescript-social-share
This command automatically installs the necessary files, as well as stores nativescript-social-share as a dependency in your project's package.json
To use the social share module you must first require()
it. After you require()
the module you have access to its APIs.
var socialShare = require("nativescript-social-share");
shareImage(ImageSource image, [optional] String subject)
The shareImage()
method expects an ImageSource
object. The code below loads an image from the app and invokes the share widget with it:
var socialShare = require("nativescript-social-share");
var imageSource = require("image-source");
var image = imageSource.fromFile("~/path/to/myImage.jpg");
You can optionally provide a second argument to configure the subject on Android:
socialShare.shareImage(image, "How would you like to share this image?");
shareText(String text, [optional] String subject)
The shareText()
method expects a simple string:
var socialShare = require("nativescript-social-share");
socialShare.shareText("I love NativeScript!");
Like shareImage()
, you can optionally pass shareText()
a second argument to configure the subject on Android:
socialShare.shareText("I love NativeScript!", "How would you like to share this text?");