Angular 2+ PDFJS viewer with Mozilla's ViewerJS
This is a simple library wraps mozilla's pdfjs and viewerjs into an angular2+ component.
Open in a new tab/window
Embed pdf into any angular component/page
Step 1: To install ng2-pdfjs-viewer
, run:
$ npm install ng2-pdfjs-viewer --save
And then configure it in your Angular AppModule
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { PdfJsViewerModule } from 'ng2-pdfjs-viewer';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Step 2: To use this library you need a copy of pdfjs
Using modified version of viewerJs available in the package (Recommended approach)
- Either copy
to your public or asset folder Or use TransferWebpackPlugin
or something similar to make sure the static files are accessible from the public folder in your application/webserver. Please note, if you decide to put pdfjs
folder anywhere else other than the assets
folder, make sure you also set [pdfJsFolder]
property to help locate the folder.
Sample code
var TransferWebpackPlugin = require('transfer-webpack-plugin');
plugins: [
new TransferWebpackPlugin([
{ from: 'node_modules\ng2-pdfjs-viewer\pdfjs', to: path.join(__dirname, 'assets') }
Now you can use additional settings such as
: To set the folder path under web
and build
: To decide pdf should be inline or in a new tab
: Show/hide open file icon
: Show/hide bookmark icon
: Show/hide download icon
: Show a simple css based spinner/progress before the pdf loads
- Using pdf-js-gh-pages
For your convenience a sample app using angular6 is available under this repository, if you would like to see it in action (Folder ng6SampleApp). It shows many ways to configure this component for different needs.
Once your PdfJsViewerComponent is imported you can use it in your Angular application like this:
<ng2-pdfjs-viewer pdfSrc="your pdf file path"></ng2-pdfjs-viewer>
Here is a use case to download and open the pdf as byte array and open in new tab/window:
Please note, pdfSrc can be a Blob or Uint8Array as well
For [externalWindow]="true" to work, pop-ups needs to be enabled at browser level
<button (click)="openPdf();">Open Pdf</button>
<div style="width: 800px; height: 400px">
<!-- your.component.ts-->
export class RateCardComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('pdfViewer') pdfViewer
private downloadFile(url: string): any {
return this.http.get(url, { responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob }).map(
(res) => {
return new Blob([res.blob()], { type: "application/pdf" });
public openPdf() {
let url = "url to fetch pdf as byte array";
(res) => {
this.pdfViewer.pdfSrc = res;
Additional Information
Given below are examples of writing server apis(In aspnetcore c#) which returns pdfs as byte array. You can choose any server side technology as long as pdf is returned as byte array
Use case 1. As a RDLC local report viewer
public IActionResult GetReport()
var reportViewer = new ReportViewer {ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local};
reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Reports/MyReport.rdlc";
reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("NameOfDataSource1", reportObjectList1));
reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("NameOfDataSource2", reportObjectList1));
Warning[] warnings;
string[] streamids;
string mimeType;
string encoding;
string extension;
var bytes = reportViewer.LocalReport.Render("application/pdf", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings);
return File(bytes, "application/pdf")
Use case 2. Return a physical pdf from server
public IActionResult GetMyPdf()
var stream = await {{__get_stream_here__}}
return File(stream, "application/pdf"));
Other projects worth mentioning
- Angular 5+ ng2-pdf-viewer
- AngularJS angular-pdfjs-viewer
MIT © Code Hippie