- C/C++ library for encode and decode in base 64
way 1
go to the directory with node-base64 library
execute node-waf configure build
get module from ./build/default/base64.node
You should use var base64 = require("./build/default/base64");
(way to module)
way 2 (works if node are installed in default path)
go to the directory with node-base64 library
execute make
execute sudo make install
You should use var base64 = require("base64");
(from any path)
encode(str); // Encode string
decode(str); // Decode string
var base64 = require('base64');
var code = base64.encode('text');
var str = base64.decode(code); // text
Speed testing
To run speed test on your computer run test.js, here is my:
C++ base64 result is: 82
JS base64 result is: 517
C++ module faster than JS in 6.304878048780488 times