This is a library for easy user management with Firebase Realtime Database and Firestore.
Installation and Initialization
Install the library easily with npm.
npm install node-fireuser
You'll also need the Firebase-admin SDK for this library. Just install it aswell with npm.
npm install firebase-admin
After you installed both, you have to include them and do the first commands. If you don't know how to initialize the Firebase Admin SDK look here
With Webpack
import * as fireuser from ('node-fireuser')
import * as admin from ('firebase-admin')
import * as serviceWorker from ('path/to/your/json/file');
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceWorker),
databaseURL: "https://[YOUR PROJECT]"
console.log("Everything fine");
console.log("An error appeared");
Without Webpack
const fireuser = require('node-fireuser')
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
const serviceWorker = require('path/to/your/json/file');
Realtime Database Commands
createUser(authID, options)
You'll need this command every time, you want to create a new user in the database. It uses the parameter authID and options . For authID you should use the Firebase Authentication ID of the user. options is an object where you can enter every data the user should have in the database.
fireuser.database.createUser(authID, options)
const authID = req.body.authID;
const rqUsername = req.body.username;
const rqEmail =;
const rqFullname = req.body.fullname;
fireuser.database.createUser(authID, {
username: rqUsername,
email: rqEmail,
fullname: rqFullname
If you want to retrieve the data of a special user, you can use this function. As parameter, it takes the authID of the user. The function is a promise which returns an object.
fireuser.database.getUserById(authID).then(res => {
let username = res.username;
let email =;
console.log("The username is: " + username);
console.log("The email address is: " + email);
getUserById([authID1, authID2])
coming soon...
Use this command to change data of an existing user. Parameters are the Firebase AuthID and the options object.
fireuser.database.changeUserData(authID, {
username: newUsername,
email: newEmail,
newElement: newElement
If you want to watch changes of the user data live and interact with it, use this function. You need the Firebase AuthID and a throwback function.
fireuser.database.watchUserChanges(authID, newData => f(newData));
function tb(newData){
Removes a user from the database
Returns (a promise of) the total amount of users in the databse
fireuser.database.getUserNumber().then(number => console.log(number.toString()));
Firestore Commands
... under construction