The all in one Modbus TCP and Serial contribution package for Node-RED.
Node-RED contribution package for Modbus
Based on modbus-serial with TCP, C701, Telnet, Serial, RTU buffered, and ASCII
- stress tested with Node-RED v0.17.5 and Node.js v6.x and v8.x LTS
- works with queueing per unit and round robin scheduling
- Node.JS 4.x is supported with v1.x
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install
npm install node-red-contrib-modbus
Run the following command for global install
npm install -g node-red-contrib-modbus
try these options on npm install to build, if you have problems to install
--unsafe-perm --build-from-source
To update the dependencies or the whole package, you have just to install again.
To get a special version please set the version with @M.M.F:
npm install node-red-contrib-modbus@1.3.0
or global by
npm install -g node-red-contrib-modbus@1.3.0
How to use
see Wiki pages
use the Flow example to see how it works ...
see YouTube Playlist

Debug will be activated by starting Node-RED with debug mode:
DEBUG=contribModbus*,modbus-serial node-red -v
- core
- read
- write
- server
- response
- flex
- flex:getter
- flex:write
- flex:connector
- flex:server
- modbus-serial
see Wiki pages to get more options in detail
since April 2016 by Klaus Landsdorf