Welcome to note-graph 👋

Note Graph is a generic visualization tool designed to show the structure of the document space and the relations between each doc.
A handy tool for anyone who is interested in building a graph view for document spaces.
It depends on D3.js and force-graph, written in Typescript and can be used in the browser.
Inspired by Foam.
Demo and docs 🚀
See the demo on vercel.
Features ✨
- Display bidirectional links with an elegant yet informative way.
- Rich interaction
- Hover on the node to see it's link flow.
- Right click on the background to make the graph auto-fits the canvas size, easier to find contents when panning and scrolling makes you lost in the view.
- 🎨 Highly customizable, pick your favorite colors for
all (not yet but closing to it) the visual elements.
(1) Use in html
Make sure runtime dependencies d3 and force-graph are loaded before constructing NOTE_GRAPH.NoteGraphView
Open this fiddle to see how it look like.
<title>Note Graph simple example</title>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/d3@6.2.0/dist/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/force-graph@1.35.1/dist/force-graph.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/note-graph@latest/dist/note-graph.umd.js"></script>
<div id="note-graph-container"></div>
async function initGraphView() {
const notes = await (
await fetch(
const graphModel = new NOTE_GRAPH.NoteGraphModel(notes)
const graphView = new NOTE_GRAPH.NoteGraphView({
container: document.getElementById('note-graph-container'),
enableNodeDrag: true,
window.onload = function () {
(2) Use in your project that has a bundler
Install the dependency:
yarn add note-graph
import { NoteGraphModel, NoteGraphView } from 'note-graph'
Install dependendies:
yarn && yarn bootstrap
Start development:
yarn dev
👤 hikerpig
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