nyks is a modular nodejs utilities collection (mout completion for (mostly) nodejs patterns).
Module are exported in standard commonJS module format and written in pure ES5/ES6 strict format. (no transpilation required nor used).
Use browserify if you need nyks module in a browser environnement.

Main goals
- increase code reuse;
- be clear (code should be clean/readable);
- be easy to debug;
- be easy to maintain;
- follow best practices;
- follow standards when possible;
- don't convert JavaScript into another language!
- be compatible with other frameworks;
- be modular;
- have unit tests for all modules;
Async APIs
- Find more details about async APIs (async.js thought ES7 async/await) in a dedicated readme
What shouldn't be here
- Event system - pub/sub ; see uclass/events or eventemitter-co
- Template engine;
- Anything that isn't generic enough to be on a standard library;
- Anything that could be a separate library and/or isn't a modular utility...
API Documentation
Online documentation can be found inside the doc folder.
Released under the MIT License.
Credits / related
- 131, author
- mout, design inspiration, main complementarity
- cnyks, CLI runner & related tools
- Kalmani for documentation