Oddworks Livestream Provider
A Livestream provider plugin for the Oddworks content server.

Install the npm package as a Node.js library:
npm install --save oddworks-livestream-provider
For full Livestream API documentation see https://livestream.com/developers/docs/api//.
Oddworks Server Integration
The Oddworks Livestream provider is designed to be integrated with an Oddworks server catalog, specifically as a provider. To initialize the plugin in your server:
const livestreamProvider = require('oddworks-livestream-provider');
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
apiKey: process.env.LIVESTREAM_API_KEY,
clientId: process.env.LIVESTREAM_CLIENT_ID
livestreamProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
The initialization process will attach Oddcast listeners for the following queries:
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'livestream-video'})
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'livestream-collection'})
To use them you send Oddcast commands to save a specification object:
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'collectionSpec',
source: 'livestream-collection',
collection: {id: '50931'}
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'videoSpec',
source: 'livestream-video',
video: {id: '50955'}
Transform Functions
This library provides a default transform function for collections and assets. It is fine to use the default, but you can provide your own like this:
const livestreamProvider = require('oddworks-livestream-provider');
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
collectionTransform: myCollectionTransform,
videoTransform: myVideoTransform
livestreamProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
Your transform functions myCollectionTransform
and myVideoTransform
will be called when the livestream-collection
and livestream-video
have respectively received a response from the Livestream API.
The myCollectionTransform
and myVideoTransform
functions will each be called with 2 arguments: The spec object and the Livestream API response object for an album or video, respectively.
See lib/default-collection-transform
and lib/default-video-transform
for more info.
Livestream API Client
You can create a stand-alone API client outside of the Oddworks provider:
const livestreamProvider = require('oddworks-livestream-provider');
const client = livestreamProvider.createClient({
bus: bus,
apiKey: process.env.LIVESTREAM_API_KEY,
clientId: process.env.LIVESTREAM_CLIENT_ID
Client Methods
All methods return a Promise.
Command Line Interface
You can interact with the Livestream client using the CLI tool. To get started, run:
bin/cli --help
To authenticate the API you'll need to export the following environment variables:
The Livestream Client ID
To get help with commands:
bin/cli list --help
bin/cli req --help
The Livestream Event Sequence
Livestream has a particular way of broadcasting a live event. It's worth understanding how this provider normalizes that sequence to Collections and Video objects.
When an event is drafted, but not yet published, it looks like this:
"id": 7268989,
"logo": {
"url": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eea7d/ebe85599-6889-42b7-96dd-9a4de797c1d5.jpg",
"thumbnailUrl": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eea7d/ebe85599-6889-42b7-96dd-9a4de797c1d5_50x28.jpg",
"smallUrl": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eea7d/ebe85599-6889-42b7-96dd-9a4de797c1d5_170x95.jpg"
"description": null,
"draft": true,
"likes": {
"total": 0
"fullName": "Test Live Event",
"shortName": null,
"ownerAccountId": 21627744,
"viewerCount": 1,
"createdAt": "2017-04-14T11:50:09.543Z",
"startTime": "2017-04-14T11:49:00.000Z",
"endTime": "2017-04-14T12:49:00.000Z",
"tags": [],
"isLive": false
After publishing, "draft": true
is flipped to "draft": false
. As soon as the event is being streamed to, it is considered published and "draft" is set to false and "isLive": true
. Before going live the videos from the event will look like this:
Calling client.getEventVideos()
"vods": {
"total": 0,
"data": []
"live": null
After going live, the videos from the event will look like this:
Calling client.getEventVideos()
"vods": {
"total": 0,
"data": []
"live": {
"id": 154135441,
"draft": true,
"views": 0,
"likes": {
"total": 0
"comments": {
"total": 0
"caption": "Video on Odd's iPhone event",
"description": null,
"duration": 0,
"eventId": 7269024,
"createdAt": "2017-04-14T12:03:41.627Z",
"publishAt": null,
"tags": [],
"thumbnailUrl": null,
"thumbnailUrlSmall": null,
"m3u8": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/21627744/events/7269024/master.m3u8"
When an event is finished, the Livestream user will usually "post" the video, or post additional videos of the event as Livestream "Posts".
Calling client.getEventVideos()
"vods": {
"total": 1,
"data": [
"type": "video",
"data": {
"id": 154135441,
"draft": false,
"views": 3,
"likes": {
"total": 0
"comments": {
"total": 0
"caption": "A test live video to VOD",
"description": null,
"duration": 402841,
"eventId": 7269024,
"createdAt": "2017-04-14T12:03:41.627Z",
"publishAt": "2017-04-14T12:10:56.269Z",
"tags": [],
"thumbnailUrl": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eeaa0/9f0d3438-7cac-4fb0-a7e2-23c89fc3fa7a_120.jpg",
"thumbnailUrlSmall": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eeaa0/9f0d3438-7cac-4fb0-a7e2-23c89fc3fa7a_120_150x84.jpg",
"m3u8": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/21627744/events/7269024/videos/154135441.m3u8"
"live": null
This Oddworks provider treats these posts as Video on Demand objects. In fact, they are listed in that Livestream API response as "vods", indicating this intention.
Translating the Livestream Pattern to Oddworks
A typical oddworks Video object looks like this from the API:
"data": {
"id": "res-livestream-video-6766058-144918727",
"type": "video",
"attributes": {
"title": "Tuesday Night's Special",
"description": "Lorem ipsum",
"images": [
"url": "http://img.new.livestream.com/foo.jpg",
"width": 960,
"height": 540,
"label": "thumbnail"
"url": "http://img.new.livestream.com/bar.jpg",
"width": 960,
"height": 540,
"label": "thumbnail-small"
"sources": [
"url": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/13909691/events/6766058/videos/144918727.m3u8?client_id=foo×tamp=bar&token=baz",
"container": "hls",
"mimeType": "application/x-mpegURL",
"sourceType": "vod",
"broadcasting": false,
"height": null,
"width": null,
"maxBitrate": 0,
"label": "hls"
"duration": 1735711,
"position": 0,
"complete": false,
"genres": [],
"cast": [],
"releaseDate": "2016-12-20T20:59:19.784Z"
"relationships": {}
When a Livestream event appears on the API, but is not yet published (draft: true), this provider will ignore it. When it is published or goes live, a new Oddworks Collection and Video object will be created for it.
If the event is published, but is not yet live, the Oddworks Video object representing the event will have a single stream source with "sourceType" set to "linear"
and "broadcasting" set to false
"sources": [
"url": null,
"sourceType": "linear",
"broadcasting": false
"label": "hls"
When the event is live and has a stream, there will be at least one source object with "sourceType" set to "linear"
and "broadcasting" set to true
like this:
"sources": [
"url": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/13909691/events/6766058/videos/144918727.m3u8?client_id=foo×tamp=bar&token=baz",
"container": "hls",
"mimeType": "application/x-mpegURL",
"sourceType": "linear",
"broadcasting": true,
"height": null,
"width": null,
"maxBitrate": 0,
"label": "hls"
When the event is over "broadcasting" will be set to false
Handling Livestream Video on Demand
If the "vods" Array within a Livestream event contains videos with the tags "s-01" or "e-01" (fitting the pattern: "s-n", "e-n"), then this provider will split the event into a collection (which holds all event posts as videos), and tree of nested collections containing the appropriate season and episodes collections based on the tagging scheme.
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