Oddworks Vimeo Provider
A Vimeo provider plugin for the Oddworks content server.

Install the npm package as a Node.js library:
npm install --save oddworks-vimeo-provider
For full Vimeo API documentation see developer.vimeo.com/api.
Oddworks Server Integration
The Oddworks-Vimeo provider is designed to be integrated with an Oddworks server catalog, specifically as a provider. To initialize the plugin in your server:
const vimeoProvider = require('oddworks-vimeo-provider');
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
accessToken: process.env.VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN
vimeoProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
The initialization process will attach Oddcast listeners for the following queries:
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'vimeo-video'})
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'vimeo-album'})
To use them you send Oddcast commands to save a specification object:
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'collectionSpec',
source: 'vimeo-album',
album: {uri: '/users/12345/albums/678901'}
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'videoSpec',
source: 'vimeo-video',
video: {uri: '/videos/1234567'}
Transform Functions
This library provides a default transform function for collections and assets. It is fine to use the default, but you can provide your own like this:
const vimeoProvider = require('oddworks-vimeo-provider');
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
collectionTransform: myCollectionTransform,
videoTransform: myVideoTransform
vimeoProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
Your transform functions myCollectionTransform
and myVideoTransform
will be called when the vimeo-collection
and vimeo-video
have respectively received a response from the Vimeo API.
The myCollectionTransform
and myVideoTransform
functions will each be called with 2 arguments: The spec object and the Vimeo API response object for an album or video, respectively.
See lib/default-collection-transform
and lib/default-video-transform
for more info.
Vimeo API Client
You can create a stand-alone API client outside of the Oddworks provider:
const vimeoProvider = require('oddworks-vimeo-provider');
const client = vimeoProvider.createClient({
bus: bus,
accessToken: process.env.VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN
Client Methods
All methods return a Promise.
Query Strings
All methods support query strings. Simply provide the {query}
key a hash of the query strings to use. This is handy for certain endpoints like list endpoints.
List endpoints such as client.getAlbums()
, client.getVideosByAlbum({albumUri})
, or client.getVideos()
are pageable. The default number of items per page is 25
and the max number of items per-page is 50
. If your account contains more than 25 videos or albums, or your album contains more than 25 videos, you will need to pass query
params in order to fetch the rest of your data.
const albumId = '12345';
const query = {
page: 2,
per_page: 25
.getVideosByAlbum({albumId, query})
.then(res => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
Command Line Interface
You can interact with the Vimeo client using the CLI tool. To get started, run:
bin/vimeo --help
To authenticate the API you'll need to export the following environment variables:
The Vimeo API access token
To get help with commands:
bin/vimeo list --help
bin/vimeo req --help
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