OpenAPI Client Axios Typegen

Type generator for openapi-client-axios
Generating type files (.d.ts)

comes with a tool called typegen
to generate typescript type files (.d.ts) for
OpenAPIClient instances using an OpenAPI definition file.
$ npm install -g openapi-client-axios-typegen
Usage: typegen [file]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
typegen ./openapi.yml > client.d.ts - generate a type definition file
The output of typegen
exports a type called Client
, which can be used for instances created with OpenAPIClientAxios
Both the api.getClient()
and api.init()
methods support passing in a Client type.
import { Client as PetStoreClient } from './client.d.ts';
const client = await api.init<PetStoreClient>();
const client = await api.getClient<PetStoreClient>();
supports using both local and remote URLs for OpenAPI definition files.
$ typegen ./petstore.yaml
$ typegen
OpenAPI Client Axios Typegen is Free and Open Source Software. Issues and pull requests are more than welcome!