Generate object types, inputs, args, etc. from prisma schema file for usage with @nestjs/graphql module.
- Generates only necessary imports
- Combines zoo of nested/nullable filters
- Does not generate resolvers, since it's application specific
npm install --save-dev prisma-nestjs-graphql
- Add new generator section to
generator nestgraphql {
provider = "node node_modules/prisma-nestjs-graphql"
// for yarn monorepos
// provider = "prisma-nestjs-graphql"
output = "../src/@generated"
- Run prisma generate
npx prisma generate
- If your models have
and Json
types, you need install:
npm install graphql-type-json prisma-graphql-type-decimal
Or write you own graphql scalar types,
Generator options
Output folder relative to this schema file
Type: string
File path and name pattern
Type: string
Default: {model}/{name}.{type}.ts
Possible tokens:
Model name in dashed case or 'prisma' if unknown{name}
Dashed-case name of model/input/arg without suffix{type}
Short type name (model, input, args, output){plural.type}
Plural short type name (models, inputs, enums)
Path to tsconfig.json
(absolute path or relative to current working directory)
Type: string | undefined
Default: tsconfig.json
if exists, undefined
The path to use to import the Prisma Client package
Type: string | undefined
Default: @prisma/client
Combine nested/nullable scalar filters to single
Type: boolean
Default: false
Remove input types for atomic operations
Type: boolean
Default: false
Create index.ts
file with re-export
Type: enum
Default, create nothing
Create index file in all root directories
Create single index file in output directory
Create index file in all root directories and in output directory
Example configuration:
generator nestgraphql {
provider = "node node_modules/prisma-nestjs-graphql"
output = "../src/@generated"
reExport = Directories
Generate single file with merged classes and enums.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Emit compiled JavaScript and definitions instead of TypeScript sources,
files will be compiled with emitDecoratorMetadata:false
, because there is a problem
with temporal dead zone when generating merged file.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Emit only selected blocks. Be aware, that some blocks do depend on others, e.g. one can't emit models
without emitting enums
Type: ("args" | "inputs" | "outputs" | "models" | "enums")[]
Default: ["args", "inputs", "outputs", "models", "enums"]
Omit _count
field from models.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Delete all files in output
Type: boolean
Default: false
Disable usage of graphql ID
type and use Int/Float
for fields marked as @id
in schema.
Type: boolean
Default: false
When a model *WhereUniqueInput
class has only a single field, mark that field as required (TypeScript) and not nullable (GraphQL).
See #58 for more details.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Note: It will break compatiblity between Prisma types and generated classes.
Set TypeScript property type as non optional for all fields in *WhereUniqueInput
See #177 for more details.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Since GraphQL does not support input union type, this setting map
allow to choose which input type is preferable.
generator nestgraphql {
useInputType_{typeName}_{property} = "{pattern}"
Full name or partial name of the class where need to choose input type.
Example: UserCreateInput
full name, WhereInput
partial name, matches UserWhereInput
, PostWhereInput
Property of the class for which need to choose type. Special case name ALL
means any / all properties.pattern
Part of name (or full) of type which should be chosen, you can use
wild card or negate symbols, in this case pattern should starts with match:
e.g. match:*UncheckedCreateInput
see outmatch for details.
export type PostWhereInput = {
author?: XOR<UserRelationFilter, UserWhereInput>;
export type UserRelationFilter = {
is?: UserWhereInput;
isNot?: UserWhereInput;
export type UserWhereInput = {
AND?: Enumerable<UserWhereInput>;
OR?: Enumerable<UserWhereInput>;
NOT?: Enumerable<UserWhereInput>;
id?: StringFilter | string;
name?: StringFilter | string;
We have generated types above, by default property author
will be decorated as UserRelationFilter
to set UserWhereInput
need to configure generator the following way:
generator nestgraphql {
provider = "node node_modules/prisma-nestjs-graphql"
output = "../src/@generated"
useInputType_WhereInput_ALL = "WhereInput"
export class PostWhereInput {
@Field(() => UserWhereInput, { nullable: true })
author?: UserWhereInput;
Allow to attach multiple decorators to any field of any type.
generator nestgraphql {
decorate_{key}_type = "outmatch pattern"
decorate_{key}_field = "outmatch pattern"
decorate_{key}_from = "module specifier"
decorate_{key}_name = "import name"
decorate_{key}_arguments = "[argument1, argument2]"
decorate_{key}_defaultImport = "default import name" | true
decorate_{key}_namespaceImport = "namespace import name"
decorate_{key}_namedImport = "import name" | true
Where {key}
any identifier to group values (written in flatten style)
- outmatch pattern to match class namedecorate_{key}_field
- outmatch pattern to match field namedecorate_{key}_from
- module specifier to import from (e.g class-validator
- import name or name with namespacedecorate_{key}_defaultImport
- import as defaultdecorate_{key}_namespaceImport
- use this name as import namespacedecorate_{key}_namedImport
- named import (without namespace)decorate_{key}_arguments
- arguments for decorator (if decorator need to be called as function)
Special tokens can be used:
- field's type (TypeScript type annotation)
Example of generated class:
export class CreateOneUserArgs {
@Field(() => UserCreateInput, { nullable: false })
data!: UserCreateInput;
To make it validateable (assuming UserCreateInput
already contains validation decorators from class-validator
it is necessary to add @ValidateNested()
and @Type()
from class-transformer
decorate_1_type = "CreateOneUserArgs"
decorate_1_field = data
decorate_1_name = ValidateNested
decorate_1_from = "class-validator"
decorate_1_arguments = "[]"
decorate_2_type = "CreateOneUserArgs"
decorate_2_field = data
decorate_2_from = "class-transformer"
decorate_2_arguments = "['() => {propertyType.0}']"
decorate_2_name = Type
import { ValidateNested } from 'class-validator';
import { Type } from 'class-transformer';
export class CreateOneUserArgs {
@Field(() => UserCreateInput, { nullable: false })
@Type(() => UserCreateInput)
data!: UserCreateInput;
Another example:
decorate_2_namespaceImport = "Transform"
decorate_2_name = "Transform.Type"
import * as Transform from 'class-transformer';
@Transform.Type(() => UserCreateInput)
data!: UserCreateInput;
Add @HideField()
decorator to nested types:
decorate_3_type = "*CreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput"
decorate_3_field = "!(create)"
decorate_3_name = "HideField"
decorate_3_from = "@nestjs/graphql"
decorate_3_arguments = "[]"
May generate following class:
@Field(() => ProfileCreateWithoutUserInput, { nullable: true })
create?: ProfileCreateWithoutUserInput;
connectOrCreate?: ProfileCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput;
connect?: ProfileWhereUniqueInput;
Allow to set custom graphql type for Prisma scalar type.
graphqlScalars_{type}_name = "string"
graphqlScalars_{type}_specifier = "string"
where {type}
is a prisma scalar type name (e.g. BigInt)
graphqlScalars_BigInt_name = "GraphQLBigInt"
graphqlScalars_BigInt_specifier = "graphql-scalars"
May generate:
import { GraphQLBigInt } from 'graphql-scalars';
export class BigIntFilter {
@Field(() => GraphQLBigInt, { nullable: true })
equals?: bigint | number;
It will affect all inputs and outputs types (including models).
Documentation and field options
Comments with triple slash will projected to typescript code comments
and some @Field()
decorator options
For example:
model Product {
/// Old description
/// @deprecated Use new name instead
oldName String
May produce:
export class Product {
@Field(() => String, {
description: 'Old description',
deprecationReason: 'Use new name instead',
oldName: string;
Field Settings
Special directives in triple slash comments for more precise code generation.
Removes field from GraphQL schema.
Alias: @TypeGraphQL.omit(output: true)
By default (without arguments) field will be decorated for hide only in output types (type in schema).
To hide field in input types add input: true
To hide field in specific type you can use glob pattern match: string | string[]
see outmatch for details.
same as @HideField({ output: true })
@HideField({ input: true, output: true })
@HideField({ match: 'UserCreate*Input' })
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid())
/// @HideField()
password String
/// @HideField({ output: true, input: true })
secret String
/// @HideField({ match: '@(User|Comment)Create*Input' })
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
May generate classes:
export class User {
password: string;
secret: string;
@Field(() => Date, { nullable: false })
createdAt: Date;
export class UserCreateInput {
password: string;
secret: string;
createdAt: Date;
Custom Decorators
Applying custom decorators requires configuration of generator.
generator nestgraphql {
fields_{namespace}_from = "module specifier"
fields_{namespace}_input = true | false
fields_{namespace}_output = true | false
fields_{namespace}_model = true | false
fields_{namespace}_defaultImport = "default import name" | true
fields_{namespace}_namespaceImport = "namespace import name"
fields_{namespace}_namedImport = true | false
Create configuration map in flatten style for {namespace}
Where {namespace}
is a namespace used in field triple slash comment.
Required. Name of the module, which will be used in import (class-validator
, graphql-scalars
, etc.)
Type: string
Means that it will be applied on input types (classes decorated by InputType
Type: boolean
Default: false
Means that it will be applied on output types (classes decorated by ObjectType
including models
Type: boolean
Default: false
Means that it will be applied only on model types (classes decorated by ObjectType
Type: boolean
Default: false
Default import name, if module have no namespace.
Type: undefined | string | true
Default: undefined
If defined as true
then import name will be same as {namespace}
Import all as this namespace from module
Type: undefined | string
Default: Equals to {namespace}
If imported module has internal namespace, this allow to generate named import,
imported name will be equal to {namespace}
, see example of usage
Type: boolean
Default: false
Custom decorators example:
generator nestgraphql {
fields_Validator_from = "class-validator"
fields_Validator_input = true
model User {
id Int @id
/// @Validator.MinLength(3)
name String
May generate following class:
import { InputType, Field } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import * as Validator from 'class-validator';
export class UserCreateInput {
@Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
name!: string;
Custom decorators can be applied on classes (models):
/// @NG.Directive('@extends')
/// @NG.Directive('@key(fields: "id")')
model User {
/// @NG.Directive('@external')
id String @id
generator nestgraphql {
fields_NG_from = "@nestjs/graphql"
fields_NG_output = false
fields_NG_model = true
May generate:
import * as NG from '@nestjs/graphql';
@NG.Directive('@key(fields: "id")')
export class User {
@Field(() => ID, { nullable: false })
id!: string;
Allow set custom GraphQL scalar type for field
To override scalar type in specific classes, you can use glob pattern match: string | string[]
see outmatch for details.
model User {
id Int @id
/// @FieldType({ name: 'Scalars.GraphQLEmailAddress', from: 'graphql-scalars', input: true })
email String
May generate following class:
import { InputType, Field } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import * as Scalars from 'graphql-scalars';
export class UserCreateInput {
@Field(() => Scalars.GraphQLEmailAddress, { nullable: false })
email!: string;
And following GraphQL schema:
scalar EmailAddress
input UserCreateInput {
email: EmailAddress!
Same field type may be used in different models and it is not convenient to specify every time all options.
There is a shortcut:
generator nestgraphql {
fields_Scalars_from = "graphql-scalars"
fields_Scalars_input = true
fields_Scalars_output = true
model User {
id Int @id
/// @FieldType('Scalars.GraphQLEmailAddress')
email String
The result will be the same. Scalars
is the namespace here.
Missing field options will merged from generator configuration.
Similar to @FieldType()
but refer to TypeScript property (actually field too).
To override TypeScript type in specific classes, you can use glob pattern match: string | string[]
see outmatch for details.
generator nestgraphql {
fields_TF_from = "type-fest"
model User {
id String @id
/// @PropertyType('TF.JsonObject')
data Json
May generate:
import * as TF from 'type-fest';
export class User {
@Field(() => GraphQLJSON)
data!: TF.JsonObject;
Allow attach @Directive
decorator from @nestjs/graphql
GraphQL federation example:
/// @Directive({ arguments: ['@extends'] })
/// @Directive({ arguments: ['@key(fields: "id")'] })
model User {
/// @Directive({ arguments: ['@external'] })
id String @id
May generate:
@Directive('@key(fields: "id")')
export class User {
@Field(() => ID, { nullable: false })
id!: string;
Allow rename type in schema and mark as abstract.
Example 1:
// schema.prisma
/// @ObjectType({ isAbstract: true })
model User {
id Int @id
@ObjectType({ isAbstract: true })
export class User {}
Example 2:
// schema.prisma
/// @ObjectType('Human', { isAbstract: true })
model User {
id Int @id
@ObjectType('Human', { isAbstract: true })
export class User {}
Using lirary in other generators
import { generate } from 'prisma-nestjs-graphql/generate';
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