Recursively finds dependencies of style and template source files.
Or configure it to do the same kind of thing with any other type of code file
that has an import
-type syntax.
progeny ([config]) (path, [sourceContents], callback)
progeny.Sync ([config]) (path, [sourceContents])
Call progeny with an optional configuration object, it returns a reusable
function. Call that function with a path to a source file (and its
source code if you already have it handy), and it will figure out all of that
file's dependencies and sub-dependencies, passing an array of them to your
callback. Or use the Sync
API to get the results as a return value.
Result array has non-enumerable patterns
property with an array of
glob patterns found in source files' import
Examples using path
assume you already have var path = require('path');
You could just use strings like '/path/to/project'
, but you may run into
cross-compatibility issues.
Quick and Simple
You can skip the config object and the source code, letting Progeny read
the source from the file itself and apply a built-in configuration based on the file extension.
var progeny = require('progeny');
var filePath = path.join('path', 'to', 'project', 'style-or-template.pug');
progeny()(filePath, function (err, dependencies) {
var dependencies = progeny()(filePath);
There are
built-in configurations
already for css
, sass
, less
, stylus
, pug
, and slm
Configuration must be specified for any other formats. Feel free to submit Pull
Requests to add default types, or improve the settings for the existing ones.
var progenyConfig = {
extension: 'styl',
extensionsList: ['scss', 'sass'],
regexp: /^\s*@import\s+['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?/,
prefix: '_',
exclusion: /^compass/,
rootPath: path.join('path', 'to', 'project'),
altPaths: [
path.join('path', 'to', 'shared'),
path.join('path', 'to', 'common')
multipass: [
potentialDeps: true,
skipComments: true;
resolver: function (depFilename, parentDir, parentFilename) {
if (depFilename.startsWith('~')) {
var absPath = path.resolve(path.join('.', 'node_modules', depFilename.substr(1)));
return path.relative(parentDir, absPath);
debug: true
More Examples
Process a list of files:
var progeny = require('progeny');
var getDependencies = progeny(progenyConfig);
myFiles.forEach(function (file) {
getDependencies(file.path, file.source, function (err, deps) {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
file.dependencies = deps;
Multiple configs:
var getDefaultDependencies = progeny();
var getCustomDependencies = progeny({
extension: 'foo',
regexp: /([^\s,]+)/
Process source code from a string without its file path:
var mySourceString;
extension: 'less',
rootPath: path.join('path', 'to', 'project')
})(null, mySourceString, function (err, deps) {});
Change Log
See release notes page on GitHub