Recursively finds dependencies of style and template source files.
Or configure it to do the same kind of thing with any other type of text file.
Call Progeny with an optional configuration object, it returns a reusable
function. There are built-in configurations already for jade
, stylus
, and sass
. Call that function with a path to a source file (and its
source code if you already have it handy), and it will figure out all of that
file's dependencies and sub-dependencies, passing an array of them to your
Examples using path
assume you already have var path = require('path');
You could just use strings like '/path/to/project'
, but you may run into
cross-compatibility issues.
Quick and Simple
You can skip the config object and the source code, letting Progeny read
the source from the file itself and apply a built-in configuration based on the file extension.
var filePath = path.join('path', 'to', 'project', 'style-or-template.jade');
require('progeny')()(null, filePath, function (err, dependencies) {
Optional Configuration Attributes
var progenyConfig = {
extension: 'styl',
extensionsList: ['scss', 'sass'],
regexp: /^\s*@import\s+['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?/,
prefix: '_',
exclusion: /^compass/,
rootPath: path.join('path', 'to', 'project')
More Examples
Process a list of files:
var progeny = require('progeny');
var getDependencies = progeny(progenyConfig);
myFiles.forEach( function (file) {
getDependencies(file.source, file.path, function (err, deps) {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
file.dependencies = deps;
Multiple configs:
var getDefaultDependencies = progeny();
var getCustomDependencies = progeny({
extension: 'foo',
regexp: /([^\s,]+)/
Process source code from a string without its file path:
var mySourceString;
extension: 'jade',
rootPath: path.join('path', 'to', 'project')
})(mySourceString, null, function (err, deps) {});