Public Google Sheets Parser

Demo page
It is a simple and zero dependency parser that helps you use public Google sheets document as if they were a database.
The document that you intend to use must be a Google Sheet that is set to "public" and must contain a header in the first row. For instance, you can use a Google Sheet like the one in the example provided.
You have the option to specify the name of the sheet's tab to retrieve data from a specific sheet. This feature has been available since version 1.1.0. Additionally, you can also specify the sheet's GID to obtain data from a specific sheet. This feature has been added since version 1.3.0.
Additionally, from version 1.4.0 onwards, you have the option to control the formatting of date values retrieved from the spreadsheet. By default, dates are returned in the format provided by Google Sheets. However, with the useFormattedDate
option, you can choose to receive dates as they are displayed in the spreadsheet, allowing for more consistent date formatting across your application. This feature has been added since version 1.4.0.
When using this feature, setting useFormattedDate
to true
will ensure that dates are parsed and returned in the spreadsheet's display format. If useFormattedDate
is set to false
or left unspecified, dates will be returned in the standard format provided by Google's API.
Usage (since v1.4.0)
When initializing the PublicGoogleSheetsParser
or calling the parse
method, you can pass the useFormattedDate
option as part of the configuration object. Set useFormattedDate
to true
to get the dates in their original string format.
const spreadsheetId = '10WDbAPAY7Xl5DT36VuMheTPTTpqx9x0C5sDCnh4BGps'
const option = { sheetName: 'Sheet3', useFormattedDate: true }
const parser = new PublicGoogleSheetsParser(spreadsheetId, option)
const data1 = await parser.parse()
parser.setOption({ useFormattedDate: false })
const data2 = await parser.parse()
It does not work in browsers where the fetch API is not available.
No API key required. This means that the server does not need to use the private key to use the SDK.
You can also use it via free API. Please see this documentation.
If you have a public spreadsheet document, and the first row is a header and you have more than one row of data, you can call it free of charge through this API and use the result as a JSON response.
With yarn:
$ yarn add public-google-sheets-parser
With npm:
$ npm i public-google-sheets-parser
Usage example
const PublicGoogleSheetsParser = require('public-google-sheets-parser')
const spreadsheetId = '10WDbAPAY7Xl5DT36VuMheTPTTpqx9x0C5sDCnh4BGps'
const parser = new PublicGoogleSheetsParser(spreadsheetId)
parser.parse().then((items) => {
const anotherSpreadsheetId = '1oCgY0UHHRQ95snw7URFpOOL_DQcVG_wydlOoGiTof5E' = anotherSpreadsheetId
parser.parse().then((items) => {
parser.parse(spreadsheetId).then((items) => {
parser.parse(spreadsheetId, 'Sheet2').then((items) => {
parser.parse(spreadsheetId, { sheetId: '784337977' }).then((items) => {
const parser = new PublicGoogleSheetsParser(spreadsheetId, { sheetId: '784337977'})
parser.parse().then((items) => {
You can use any of the 4 methods you want!
- with import (Vue.js or whatever)
import PublicGoogleSheetsParser from 'public-google-sheets-parser'
export default {
data () {
return {
items: [],
computed: {
parser () {
return new PublicGoogleSheetsParser()
methods: {
async getItems (spreadsheetId) {
this.items = await this.parser.parse(spreadsheetId)
<script src=""></script>
const spreadsheetId = '10WDbAPAY7Xl5DT36VuMheTPTTpqx9x0C5sDCnh4BGps'
const parser = new PublicGoogleSheetsParser()
parser.parse(spreadsheetId).then((items) => {
parser.parse(spreadsheetId, 'Sheet2').then((items) => {
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*"
That's it!