requestAnimationFrame() friendly async for iterator.
This project will allow you to iterate over huge arrays asynchronously without
hanging main JavaScript event loop.
var asyncFor = require('rafor');
function findMaxElement(array, cb) {
var max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
asyncFor(array, visit, done);
function visit(el, index, array) {
if (el > max) max = el;
function done(array) {
The code above will attempt to limit its time spent within visit()
to 12 ms
. This will ensure that your main JavaScript thread is not 100% busy
calculating maximum, and browser still has time to do other operations.
If you want to change 12 ms
to something different, you can pass it as an
optional argument:
asyncFor(array, visit, done, {
maxTimeMS: 5
By default the iterator will visit every single element of your source array.
If you want to change iteration step you can also pass it via configuration:
asyncFor(array, visit, done, {
step: 3
Finally, iterator takes its opportunity to measure speed of your visit()
callback during the first event loop cycle. By default it assumes that visiting
10,000 elements should be fast enough to not impact responsiveness of the
browser, but if this number is too high or too low for your case, please give
iterator a hint:
asyncFor(array, visit, done, {
probeElements: 5
With npm do:
npm install rafor