Rate Limit Mongo
MongoDB store for the express-rate-limit middleware.

$ npm install --save rate-limit-mongo
var RateLimit = require('express-rate-limit');
var MongoStore = require('rate-limit-mongo');
var limiter = new RateLimit({
store: new MongoStore({
max: 100,
windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000
uri: string -- uri for connecting to mongodb, mongodb://
for example.
Required if collection hasn't been set.
collectionName: string -- name of collection for storing records. Defaults to expressRateRecords
user: string -- username for authentication in mongodb
password: string -- password for authentication in mongodb
authSource: string -- db name against which authenticate use. If not set db name from uri will be taken.
collection: object -- mongodb collection instance. Required if uri hasn't been set.
expireTimeMs: integer -- time period, in milliseconds, after which record will be reseted (deleted).
Defaults to 60 * 1000
. Note that current implementation uses on mongodb ttl indexes - background task that removes expired documents runs every 60 seconds. As a result, documents may remain in a collection during the period between the expiration of the document and the running of the background task. See mongodb ttl indexes doc for more information.
resetExpireDateOnChange: boolean -- indicates whether expireDate should be reseted when changed or not.
Defaults to false
errorHandler: function -- function that will be called if error happened
during incr, decrement or resetKey methods. Defaults to _.noop
createTtlIndex: boolean -- defines whether create ttl index (
on expirationDate
field with expireAfterSeconds: 0
) on collection
or not. Could be useful in situations when you don't want to create index
from the app e.g. due to restricted db permissions (see #15 for details).
Defaults to true
class provides public methods (incr
, decrement
, resetKey
required by express-rate-limit.
In addition following methods provided:
- if collection
was not passed to the constructor then
that method will pass (as second argument) initiated instace of
to the callback
, otherwise null
will be passed. Thus this method provides
control over connection initiated by the library to the end user. This method
is promisified (when util.promisify
is presented (node.js >= 8)).