The API Wrapper for the Re-Auth API.
Re-Auth has been shut down. This package will no longer work. You can read more on our homepage.
But wait... What is re-auth?
A modern authentication system. Read more on our homepage.
To install, type this command in your console:
npm i re-auth-api
To create a new app, navigate to the Website, login/register, go to settings, enable Developer, go to Applications and create a new one. Copy the ID and the token. Then, you can setup Re-Auth like this:
const reAuth = require("re-auth-api");
let client = new reAuth()
(async () => {
console.log(await client.getUser("<obtained secret>"));
To get informations about a certain application, you can use:
console.log(await new reAuth().getInfos("<applicationID>"))
If you like, you can check our API Documentation.
To get the secret, use:<YOUR ID>
Deny: redirect to your homepage URI
Accept: redirect to the redirectURI with ?secret=your secret