React Aspect Ratio Component
React Aspect Ratio Component
This is a React implementation for aspect ratio placeholder preventing browser reflow before browser downloads and renders your component.
Inspired by awesome post from CSS Mojo
CSS style suggested by Thierry
Original idea from Sérgio Gomes
You will need to import 'react-aspect-ratio/style.css'
import AspectRatio from 'react-aspect-ratio';
const RatioImage = () => (
<AspectRatio ratio="3/4" style={{maxWidth: '400px'}}>
<img src="" />
For browser support CSS variable, you can use it to wrap other elements (like iframe, video, object ...etc) as well
import AspectRatio from 'react-aspect-ratio';
const RatioIframe = () => (
<AspectRatio ratio="560/315" style={{maxWidth: '560px'}}>
<iframe src="" frameBorder="0" allowFullScreen />
Can also use for background image
import AspectRatio from 'react-aspect-ratio';
maxWidth: '300px',
backgroundImage: 'url(',
backgroundSize: 'cover'