
A Nice looking liquid chart done with d3 and react, based off
There is also another really nice version here
Install from NPM
npm install react-liquidchart
For now, this will have to do.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import LiquidChart from 'react-liquidchart';
const stops = [
<stop key={1} stopColor="someColor1" offset="5%" />
<stop key={2} stopColor="someColor2" offset="50%" />,
<stop key={3} stopColor="someColor3" offset="85%" />,
class ChartLiquid extends Component {
constructor() {
render() {
return (
width: '100%',
height: '500px',
legend="Percentage of Completed Tasks"
value={Math.random() * 100}
type: 1,
x1: 0,
x2: 0,
y1: 100,
y2: 0,
render(<ChartLiquid />, document.getElementById('app'));
LiquidChart PropTypes
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Width | number | null | The width of the chart, used if responsive is false |
height | number | null | The width of the chart, used if responsive is false |
responsive | bool | true | If set to true then the element will fill out into parent container, and resize on window dimension change |
Value | number | 0 | The value, tops at 100 and 0 is the minimum |
animationWavesTime | number | null | The speed of the wave animation, going back and forth |
animationTime | number | 2000 | milliseconds for animation when updating value |
animationEase | string | 'easeCubicInOut' | The name of the d3 easing function, other values like, easeBack, easeBackInOut, easeSinInOut, easeExpInOut. See d3 easing page for more ideas. |
outerBound | number | 0.9 | This is the outerRadius of the chart where 1 would be 100% of the radius and 0 would be 0% of the radius.. |
innerBound | number | 0.8 | The innerwidth of the outerpath surronding the liquid, again 0.8 would be 80% of the radius. |
margin | number | 0.025 | The margin between the outer path and the liquid, here 0.025 would be 2.5% |
amplitude | number | 4 | The Amplitude X * sine(frequency) part of the formula |
frequency | number | 2 | The frequency, how many full circles are in the chart. |
waveScaleLimit | bool | true | This is in the original, this will create a scale that limits the wave height close to 0 or 100 |
outerStyle | shape | { fill: 'rgb(23,139,202)'} | The style of the outerarc fill and stroke |
liquidStyle | shape | { fill: 'rgb(23, 139, 202)'} | The style of the liquid, fill and stroke |
dryStyle | shape | {fill: 'rgb(164, 219, 248)'} | The style of the number that is not in the liquid, fill and stroke |
wetStyle | shape | {fill: 'rgb(4, 86, 129)'} | The style of the number that is in the liquid, fill and stroke |
fontSizes | shape | | The sizes of the fonts in ratio to the radius. |
showDecimal | bool | false | If this is set then the decimal place is shown |
postfix | string | null | The symbol that goes in the last tspan placeholder |
There are two kinds of animation, the value animation and the back and forth animation.
To set the animation you only need to set either the animationTime or the animationEase for value transitions.
To set the back and forth animation you need to set the animationWavesTime prop.
Sets the fontsize of the tspans.
The values are fractions of the radius.
const fontSize = {
value: 0.6,
decimal: 0.3,
postfix: 0.1,
legend: 0.1,
You can add your own css to the component by targeting the classes that are set.
For an example if I would like to change the font type and the positioning I could do something like this
.liquid-text {
transform: translate(0, 40px);
font-family: Roboto;
This software was available initially under the BSD-2-Clause.
The changes are also available under the BSD-2-Clause.