React Native AppsFlyer plugin for Android and iOS.
🛠 In order for us to provide optimal support, we would kindly ask you to submit any issues to
When submitting an issue please specify your AppsFlyer sign-up (account) email , your app ID , production steps, logs, code snippets and any additional relevant information.

Table of content
- iOS AppsFlyerSDK v6.1.0
- Android AppsFlyerSDK v6.1.0
We have renamed the following APIs:
Old API | New API |
trackEvent | logEvent |
trackLocation | logLocation |
stopTracking | stop |
trackCrossPromotionImpression | logCrossPromotionImpression |
trackAndOpenStore | logCrossPromotionAndOpenStore |
setDeviceTrackingDisabled | anonymizeUser |
And removed the following ones:
- trackAppLaunch -> no longer needed. See new init guide
- sendDeepLinkData -> no longer needed. See new init guide
- enableUninstallTracking -> no longer needed. See new uninstall measurement guide
If you have used 1 of the removed APIs, please check the integration guide for the updated instructions
Production version from npm:
$ npm install react-native-appsflyer --save
Then run the following:
$ cd ios && pod install
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native run-android
Starting from RN v0.60, and react-native-appsflyer v1.4.7
the plugin uses autolinking.
If your app does not support autolinking, check out the Installation Guide here.
Initialize the SDK to enable AppsFlyer to detect installations, sessions (app opens) and updates.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View} from 'react-native';
import appsFlyer from 'react-native-appsflyer';
devKey: 'K2***********99',
isDebug: false,
appId: '41*****44',
onInstallConversionDataListener: true,
(result) => {
(error) => {
Setting | Description |
devKey | Your application devKey provided by AppsFlyer (required) |
appId | Your iTunes application ID (iOS only) |
isDebug | Debug mode - set to true for testing only |
onInstallConversionDataListener | Set listener for SDK init response (Optional. default=true) |
Great installation and setup guides can be viewed here.
See the full API available for this plugin.