React Native Clean Project

Cleans your React Native project by purging caches and modules, and reinstalling them again.
yarn add -D react-native-clean-project
React-Native CLI plugin
This module is automatically detected as a plugin by the standard react-native
command, adding new sub-commands:
react-native clean-project-auto
- fully automated project state clean: like a freshly-cloned, never-started reporeact-native clean-project
- interactive project state clean: choose types of react-native state to clean
Direct execution
For complete control (including using command-line arguments to non-interactively fine-tune what state is cleaned):
Or add it as a script to your package.json
"scripts": {
"clean": "react-native-clean-project"
This is a combination of the commands suggested in the React Native documentation plus others.
State Type | Command | In clean-project-auto ? | Optional? | Default? | Option Flag |
React-native cache | rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* | Yes | No | true | |
Metro bundler cache | rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-* | Yes | No | true | |
Watchman cache | watchman watch-del-all | Yes | No | true | |
NPM modules | rm -rf node_modules | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-node_modules |
Yarn cache | yarn cache clean | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
Yarn packages | yarn install | No | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
NPM cache | npm cache verify | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
iOS build folder | rm -rf ios/build | Yes | Yes | false | --remove-iOS-build |
iOS pods folder | rm -rf ios/pods | Yes | Yes | false | --remove-iOS-pods |
Android build folder | rm -rf android/build | Yes | Yes | false | --remove-android-build |
Brew package | brew update && brew upgrade | No | Yes | true | --keep-brew |
Pod packages | pod update | No | Yes | true | --keep-pods |
Example: ./node_modules/.bin/react-native-clean-project --remove-iOS-build
Other Tips
You can also reset the Metro bundler cache when starting with react-native start --reset-cache
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Pedro Madruga - Initial work and maintenance - pmadruga
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details