React Native Clean Project

Cleans your React Native project by purging caches and modules, and reinstalling them again.
yarn add -D react-native-clean-project
React-Native CLI plugin
This module is automatically detected as a plugin by the standard react-native
command, adding new sub-commands:
react-native clean-project-auto
- fully automated project state clean: like a freshly-cloned, never-started reporeact-native clean-project
- interactive project state clean: choose types of react-native state to clean
Direct execution
For complete control (including using command-line arguments to non-interactively fine-tune what state is cleaned):
npx react-native-clean-project
Or add it as a script to your package.json
"scripts": {
"clean": "react-native-clean-project"
This is a combination of the commands suggested in the React Native documentation plus others.
State Type | Command | In clean-project-auto ? | Optional? | Default? | Option Flag |
React-native cache | rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* | Yes | No | true | |
Metro bundler cache | rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-* | Yes | No | true | |
Watchman cache | watchman watch-del-all | Yes | No | true | |
NPM modules | rm -rf node_modules | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
Yarn cache | yarn cache clean | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
Yarn packages | yarn install | No | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
NPM cache | npm cache verify | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
NPM Install | npm ci | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-node-modules |
iOS build folder | rm -rf ios/build | Yes | Yes | false | --remove-iOS-build |
iOS pods folder | rm -rf ios/Pods | Yes | Yes | false | --remove-iOS-pods |
system iOS pods cache | pod cache clean --all | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-system-iOS-pods-cache |
user iOS pods cache | rm -rf ~/.cocoapods | Yes | Yes | true | --keep-user-iOS-pods-cache |
Android build folder | rm -rf android/build | Yes | Yes | false | --remove-android-build |
Android clean project | (cd android && ./gradlew clean) | Yes | Yes | false | --clean-android-project |
Brew package | brew update && brew upgrade | No | Yes | true | --keep-brew |
Pod packages | pod update | No | Yes | true | --keep-pods |
Example: npx react-native-clean-project --remove-iOS-build
Other Tips
You can also reset the Metro bundler cache when starting with react-native start --reset-cache
This library does not support windows. PR's are welcome.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details