This is a revive project of the great by pod-point.
For some reason, the original repo is down and doesn't work anymore with iOS, so I decided to take it and fix it for Android.
React Native Mixpanel Integration
This package provides a React Native compatible, Mixpanel component which runs on Android using the same
JavaScript API.
npm install react-native-mixpanel-android --save
Note: If you're already using Google Play Services 3.1 elsewhere in your project you may see this error when
you sync Gradle:
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> Error: more than one library with package name ''
You can temporarily disable this error with android.enforceUniquePackageName=false
However, this is temporary and will be enforced in 1.0
To solve this problem, open the build.gradle
file for the :pptmixpanel
module and delete or comment this line:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile ''
compile 'com.facebook.react:react-native:0.14.0'
compile ''
//compile '' - Comment or delete this line
Android Setup Guide
- Open up your React Native project in Android Studio, this is the
directory in your React Native project. - Expand Gradle Scripts from within the project tree and open
. Replace the line in the script
which states include ':app'
with include ':app', ':pptmixpanel'
(or append ':pptmixpanel'
to the end of the
include statement if you're already including other modules). - Add the following line to the end of
project(':pptmixpanel').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-mixpanel-android/android/library')
- Open up your
module build.gradle
file and add the following line to the end of your dependancies section:
compile project(path: ':pptmixpanel')
- You should now be prompted to run a Gradle project sync so press Sync Now in the gold toolbar that should be
- Open your projects
class and import the following package:
import com.podpoint.pptmixpanel.PPTMixpanelPackage;
- Find the line in your main activity class which has the following on it -
new MainReactPackage()
add the following line below:
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new PPTMixpanelPackage()
- Expand the
package in your project explorer and then expand the manifests
directory. Open up the
and find the node with the key com.podpoint.PPTMixpanel.API_KEY
. Enter your Mixpanel API key
into the android:value
property and save the file. This file will be kept out of source control so it is safe to
store the API key in here. - Hit
and make sure the app runs!
Basic Usage
Include Mixpanel using the following:
import Mixpanel from 'react-native-mixpanel-android';
Event Tracking
You can track basic events by with the following call. The first parameter is the name of the event and the second
optional parameter is an object of data which you would like to associate with this event:
Mixpanel.track('Android App Started', {foo: 'bar'});
Timing Events
You can time how long an event took with the following calls. The first call starts the timer and only requires the
event name as a parameter. The second call stops the timer and requires the same event name to be passed. You may also
include an optional parameters object:
Mixpanel.timeEvent('Timed Event');
setTimeout(() => Mixpanel.track('Timed Event'), 500);
Registering Super Properties
You can register super properties which are included with every event you track afterwards with the following call:
Mixpanel.registerSuperProperties({'API Version': 'v3'});
Identifying Users
You can identify a user using a numeric ID or string with the following call:
Setting User Properties
You can assign users' extra properties which can help identify them with the following call:
Mixpanel.people.set({'User Type': 'EV Driver'});
Incremeting Numeric Values
You can track numeric values which are associated with a user using the following call:
Mixpanel.people.increment({'Credits': 100});
Tracking Charges
You can track charges associated with the user with the following call. The first parameter is the numeric value of the
charge, the second parameter is an optional object associated with this charge:
Mixpanel.people.trackCharge(50, {'Type': 'Account Top-up'});