What is react-webcam?
The react-webcam package is a React component that allows you to capture images and videos from your webcam. It provides a simple interface for accessing the webcam and capturing media, making it useful for applications that require user media input.
What are react-webcam's main functionalities?
Capture Image
This feature allows you to capture an image from the webcam. The `getScreenshot` method is used to take a snapshot and return it as a base64-encoded image string.
import React, { useRef, useCallback } from 'react';
import Webcam from 'react-webcam';
const WebcamCapture = () => {
const webcamRef = useRef(null);
const capture = useCallback(() => {
const imageSrc = webcamRef.current.getScreenshot();
}, [webcamRef]);
return (
<button onClick={capture}>Capture photo</button>
export default WebcamCapture;
Capture Video
This feature allows you to capture video from the webcam. The `MediaRecorder` API is used to record the video stream and save it as a Blob, which can then be played back using a video element.
import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react';
import Webcam from 'react-webcam';
const WebcamVideoCapture = () => {
const webcamRef = useRef(null);
const [recording, setRecording] = useState(false);
const [mediaRecorder, setMediaRecorder] = useState(null);
const [videoUrl, setVideoUrl] = useState(null);
const startRecording = () => {
const stream = webcamRef.current.stream;
const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = (event) => {
const videoBlob = new Blob([event.data], { type: 'video/webm' });
const videoUrl = URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob);
const stopRecording = () => {
return (
<Webcam audio={true} ref={webcamRef} />
{recording ? (
<button onClick={stopRecording}>Stop Recording</button>
) : (
<button onClick={startRecording}>Start Recording</button>
{videoUrl && <video src={videoUrl} controls />}
export default WebcamVideoCapture;
Mirror Mode
This feature allows you to enable mirror mode for the webcam feed. Setting the `mirrored` prop to `true` flips the video horizontally, which can be useful for applications like video conferencing.
import React from 'react';
import Webcam from 'react-webcam';
const WebcamMirror = () => {
return (
export default WebcamMirror;
Other packages similar to react-webcam
react-camera-pro is another React component for capturing images and videos from the webcam. It offers similar functionalities to react-webcam but with a more modern API and additional features like camera switching and video recording with pause/resume capabilities.
react-html5-camera-photo is a React component that provides a simple interface for capturing photos using the HTML5 getUserMedia API. It is more focused on photo capture and offers fewer features compared to react-webcam, but it is lightweight and easy to use.
react-webcam-onfido is a React component specifically designed for capturing webcam images for identity verification purposes. It offers additional features like face detection and image quality checks, making it more specialized compared to the general-purpose react-webcam.

Webcam component for React. See http://caniuse.com/#feat=stream
for browser compatibility.
Note: Browsers will throw an error if the page is loaded from insecure origin. I.e. Use https.
npm install react-webcam
import React from "react";
import Webcam from "react-webcam";
const WebcamComponent = () => <Webcam />;
The props here are specific to this component but one can pass any prop to the underlying video tag eg className
or style
prop | type | default | notes |
audio | boolean | true | enable/disable audio |
audioConstraints | object | | MediaStreamConstraint(s) for the audio |
forceScreenshotSourceSize | boolean | false | uses size of underlying source video stream (and thus ignores other size related props) |
imageSmoothing | boolean | true | pixel smoothing of the screenshot taken |
mirrored | boolean | false | show camera preview and get the screenshot mirrored |
minScreenshotHeight | number | | min height of screenshot |
minScreenshotWidth | number | | min width of screenshot |
onUserMedia | function | noop | callback for when component receives a media stream |
onUserMediaError | function | noop | callback for when component can't receive a media stream with MediaStreamError param |
screenshotFormat | string | 'image/webp' | format of screenshot |
screenshotQuality | number | 0.92 | quality of screenshot(0 to 1) |
videoConstraints | object | | MediaStreamConstraints(s) for the video |
- Returns a base64 encoded string of the current webcam image. Example:
You may also pass in an optional dimensions
getScreenshot({width: 1920, height: 1080});
The Constraints
We can build a constraints object by passing it to the videoConstraints prop. This gets passed into getUserMedia method. Please take a look at the MDN docs to get an understanding how this works.
As an example take a look at this CodePen demo https://codepen.io/mozmorris/pen/GRpEQwK?editors=0010 which shows how to build a custom aspect ratio for the video.
const videoConstraints = {
width: 1280,
height: 720,
facingMode: "user"
const WebcamCapture = () => {
const webcamRef = React.useRef(null);
const capture = React.useCallback(
() => {
const imageSrc = webcamRef.current.getScreenshot();
return (
<button onClick={capture}>Capture photo</button>
Capturing video
It is posible to capture video with <Webcam />
using the MediaStream Recording API.
You can find an exammple https://codepen.io/mozmorris/pen/yLYKzyp?editors=0010.
Choosing a camera
User/Selfie/forward facing camera
class WebcamCapture extends React.Component {
render() {
const videoConstraints = {
facingMode: "user"
return <Webcam videoConstraints={videoConstraints} />;
Environment/Facing-Out camera
class WebcamCapture extends React.Component {
render() {
const videoConstraints = {
facingMode: { exact: "environment" }
return <Webcam videoConstraints={videoConstraints} />;
For more information on facingMode
, please see the MDN web docs https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaTrackConstraints/facingMode
Show all cameras by deviceId
const WebcamCapture = () => {
const [deviceId, setDeviceId] = React.useState({});
const [devices, setDevices] = React.useState([]);
const handleDevices = React.useCallback(
mediaDevices =>
setDevices(mediaDevices.filter(({ kind }) => kind === "videoinput")),
() => {
return (
{devices.map((device, key) => (
<Webcam audio={false} videoConstraints={{ deviceId: device.deviceId }} />
{device.label || `Device ${key + 1}`}
Recording a stream
Using within an iframe
The Webcam component will fail to load when used inside a cross-origin iframe in newer version of Chrome (> 64). In order to overcome this security restriction a special allow
attribute needs to be added to the iframe tag specifying microphone
and camera
as the required permissions like in the below example:
<iframe src="https://my-website.com/page-with-webcam" allow="camera; microphone;"/>