reactjs bottom navigation menu component

Bottom Navigation Menu component for react js
full Tutorial: click here
npm install --save reactjs-bottom-navigation
import { BottomNavigation } from 'reactjs-bottom-navigation'
import 'reactjs-bottom-navigation/dist/index.css'
function App() {
const bottomNavItems = [
title: 'Home',
icon: <HomeOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px' }} />,
activeIcon: <HomeOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px', color: '#fff' }} />
title: 'Search',
icon: <SearchOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px' }} />,
activeIcon: <SearchOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px', color: '#fff' }} />
title: 'Notifications',
icon: <BellOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px' }} />,
activeIcon: <BellOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px', color: '#fff' }} />
title: 'Menu',
icon: <MenuOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px' }} />,
activeIcon: <MenuOutlined style={{ fontSize: '18px', color: '#fff' }} />,
onClick: () => alert('menu clicked')
return (
onItemClick={(item) => console.log(item)}
| Props | Type | default | description |
| ------------------ | --------------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| items | Array of item objects | - | see the below table |
| defaultSelectedTab | number | null | default active item |
| onItemClick | function | - | triggers when an item is clicked and it returns the item including it's index |
| noActiveBg | boolean | false | disable active item background |
Item Structure
| Prop | Type | description |
| ---------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| title | string | item title |
| icon | jsx or string | item icon, can be any element |
| activeIcon | jsx or string | item active icon, can be any element |
| onClick | function | triggers when the item is clicked and it returns the item including it's index |
the component elements have the following class names which you can assign new styles to them:
Bottom Navigation: bottom-nav
Items: bottom-nav-item
titles: bottom-nav-item–title
MIT © hoseinhamzei