
- Readability reference to Arc90's.
- Scrape article from any page, automatically.
- Make any web page readability, no matter Chinese or English,very useful for ElasticSearch data spider.
- Automatic Read Title & Body
- Follow Redirects
- Automatic Decoding Content Encodings(Avoid Messy Codes, Especially Chinese)
- Gzip/Deflate Encoding(Automatic Decompress)
- Proxy
npm install read-art
read(html/uri [, options], callback)
read-art is designed to be the simplest way possible to make web-article scrape, it supports the definitions such as:
- html/uri Html or Uri string.
- options An optional options object, including:
- output The data type of article content, including: html, text. see more @Output
- killBreaks A value indicating whether kill breaks, blanks, tab symbols(\r\t\n) into one
<br />
or not, true
as default. - options from cheerio
- options from req-fast
- callback The callback to run -
callback(error, article, options)
See test or examples folder for a complete example
Just try it
var read = require('read-art');
read('', { charset: 'utf8' }, function(err, art, options){
throw err;
var title = art.title,
content = art.content,
html = art.html;
read({ uri: '', charset: 'utf8' }, function(err, art, options){
read('<title>node-art</title><body><div><p>hello, read-art!</p></div></body>', { charset: 'utf8' }, function(err, art, options){
read({ uri: '<title>node-art</title><body><div><p>hello, read-art!</p></div></body>', charset: 'utf8' }, function(err, art, options){
CAUTION: Title must be wrapped in a <title>
tag and content must be wrapped in a <body>
You can set different types to wrap the output
Returns the inner text of article content(strip html tags), e.g.:
read('', {
output: 'text'
}, function(err, art){
and the full usage
read('', {
output: {
type: 'text',
stripSpaces: true
}, function(err, art){
Returns the inner HTML of article content, e.g.:
read('', {
output: 'html'
}, function(err, art){
and the full usage
read('', {
output: {
type: 'html',
stripSpaces: true
}, function(err, art){
Returns the restful result of article content, e.g.:
read('', {
output: 'json'
}, function(err, art){
and the full usage
read('', {
output: {
type: 'json',
stripSpaces: true
}, function(err, art){
The art.content will be an Array such as:
{ "type": "img", "value": "" },
{ "type": "text", "value": "TEXT goes here..." }
There only two types were supported now: img and text
As you see, the output could be defined in two ways:
- Simple String, should be one of text, html and json.
- Complex Object, including:
- type: one of text, html and json, default as 'html'.
- stripSpaces: a value indicating whether strip tab symbols(\r\t\n), default as false.
ϟ Blazingly fast:
read-art is based on cheerio(cheerio is about 8x faster than JSDOM), and the article marking strategy actualized by RegExp, it's supper fast and cost less memory.
❤ Hit the target:
The bonus algorithm make spider or scraper more easier to grab the article title & content.
↵ Fetch HTML:
If you only wanna fetch html body from server, req-fast is amazing, it supports:
- Follow Redirects
- Automatic Decoding Content Encodings(Avoid Messy Codes, Especially Chinese)
- Cookies
- JSON Response Auto Handling
- Gzip/Deflate Encoding(Automatic Decompress)
- Proxy
refrain from the crazy messy codes
read('', {
charset: 'gbk'
}, function(err, art){
generate agent to simulate browsers
read('', {
agent: true
}, function(err, art){
use proxy
read('', {
proxy: {
host: '',
port: 8081,
proxyAuth: 'user:password'
}, function(err, art){
and more is amazing, it supports...
cd to the read-art directory and install all the dependencies library.
npm test
Other Library
luin/node-readability is really good, lots of hit points, easy to use, but the problem is - it's too slow, make me mad. it was based on JSDOM, as you known, the HTML must be strict, you can not make any mistake, e.g.:
<p>My book name is <read-art></p>
<div><p>Hey, dude!</div>
all above will cause hiberarchy errors.
and otherwise, JSDOM is a memory killer.
bndr/node-read is amazing, and i've worked on this for a while, but it's hard to communicate with Vadim(we are in a different timezone), and we have very different ideas. so i decided to write it on my own.
Copyright 2014 Tjatse
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.