### Example
read('http://club.autohome.com.cn/bbs/thread-c-66-37239726-1.html', {
minTextLength: 0,
scoreRule: function(node){
if (node.hasClass('w740')) {
return 100;
}, function(err, art){
<a name="selectors" />
Some times we wanna extract article somehow, e.g. pick the title of `.article>h3` as title, and pick `.article>.author` as the author data:
html: '<title>read-art</title><body><div class="article"><h3 title="--read-art--">Who Am I</h3><p class="section1">hi, dude, i am <b>readability</b></p><p class="section2">aka read-art...</p><small class="author" data-author="Tjatse X">Tjatse</small></div></body>',
selectors: {
title: {
selector: '.article>h3',
extract: ['text', 'title']
content: '.article p.section1',
author: {
selector: '.article>small.author',
extract: {
shot_name: 'text',
full_name: 'data-author'
}, function (err, art) {
// art.title === {text: 'Who Am I', title: '--read-art--'}
// art.content === 'hi, dude, i am <b>readability</b>'
// art.author === {shot_name: 'Tjatse', full_name: 'Tjatse X'}
Notes The binding data will be an object if the extract
option is an array object, but content
depends on the output
## Customize Settings
We're using different regexps to iterates over elements (cheerio objects), and removing undesirable nodes.
The `[usage]` could be one of following:
- `this.reset()`
Reset the settings to default.
- `this.skipTags([tags], [override])`
Remove useless elements by tagName, e.g. `this.skipTags('b,span')`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `skiptags` will be `"b,span"`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :
- `this.regexps.positive([re], [override])`
If `positive` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it will be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `positive` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :
- `this.regexps.negative([re], [override])`
If `negative` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it will not be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `negative` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :
- `this.regexps.unlikely([re], [override])`
If `unlikely` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it probably will not be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `unlikely` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :
- `this.regexps.maybe([re], [override])`
If `maybe` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it probably will be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `maybe` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :
- `this.regexps.div2p([re], [override])`
If `div2p` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, all divs that don't have children block level elements will be turned into p's. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/<(span|label)/` will match the element likes `<span>...` or `<label>...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `div2p` will be `/<(span|label)/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :
<a name="cus_sets_eg" />
### Example
this.regexps.div2p(/<(span|b)/, true);
I've contributed on this for a while, but it's hard to communicate with Vadim(we are in a different timezone), and we have very different ideas. So I decided to write it on my own.
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