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Scrape/Crawl article from any site automatically. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English.

  • 0.4.9-beta
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

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read-art NPM version Build Status js-standard-style


  1. Readability reference to Arc90's.
  2. Scrape article from any page (automatically).
  3. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English.



## Features - Fast And Shoot Straight. - High Performance - Less memory - Automatic Read Title & Content - Follow Redirects - Automatic Decoding Content Encodings(Avoid Messy Codes, Especially Chinese) - Gzip/Deflate Support - Proxy Support - Auto-generate User-Agent - Free and extensible ## Performance In my case, the speed of [spider]( is about **700 thousands documents per day**, **22 million per month**, and the maximize crawling speed is **450 per minute**, **avg 80 per minute**, the memory cost are about **200 megabytes** on each spider kernel, and the accuracy is about 90%, the rest 10% can be fixed by customizing [Score Rules](#score_rule) or [Selectors](selectors). it's better than any other readability modules.


Server infos:

  • 20M bandwidth of fibre-optical
  • 8 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz cpus
  • 32G memory
## Installation ```javascript npm install read-art --production ``` ## Usage ```javascript read( [, options], [callback]) ```

It supports the definitions such as:

  • html|uri|cheerio Html, Uri string or Cheerio instance.
  • options An optional options object, including:
    • output The data type of article content, head over to Output to get more information.
    • killBreaks A value indicating whether or not kill breaks, blanks, tab symbols(\r\t\n) into one <br />, true by default.
    • betterTitle Defined how to extract the title, read more.
    • minTextLength If the content is less than [minTextLength] characters, don't even count it, 25 by default.
    • minParagraphs A number indicates whether or not take the top candidate as a article candidate, 3 by default, i.e.: If topCandidate dom has more than 3 <p> children, topCandidate will be considered as the article dom, otherwise, it will be the parent of topCandidate (not <body>).
    • tidyAttrs Remove all the attributes on elements, false by default.
    • keepAllLinks A value indicates whether or not keep all the links, especially the useless anchors such as pagination, print, email and so on, false by default.
    • forceDecode A value indicates whether or not decode the full text/html by ([entities], false by default.
    • dom Will return the whole cheerio dom (proceeded) when this property is set to true, false by default, try to use art.dom to get the dom object in callback function (uses the $_ to get the original).
    • damping The damping to calculate score of parent node, 1/2 by default. e.g.: the score of current document node is 20, the score of parent will be 20 * damping.
    • scoreRule Customize the score rules of each node, one arguments will be passed into the callback function, read more.
    • selectors Customize the data extract selectors.
    • imgFallback Customize the way to get source of image, read more.
    • thresholdScore A number/function indicates whether or not drop the article content, read more.
    • thresholdLinkDensity A 0~1 decimal indicates whether or not drop the article content, read more.
    • options from cheerio
    • options from req-fast
  • callback Fire after the article has been crawled - callback(error, article, options, response), arguments are:
    • error Error object when exception has been caught.
    • article The article object, including: article.title, article.content and article.html.
    • options The request options.
    • response The response of your request, including: response.headers, response.redirects, response.cookies and response.statusCode.

Head over to test or examples directory for a complete example.

### Examples ```javascript var read = require('read-art'); // read from google: read('', function(err, art, options, resp){ if(err){ throw err; } var title = art.title, // title of article content = art.content, // content of article html = art.html; // whole original innerHTML

console.log('[STATUS CODE]', resp && resp.statusCode); }); // or: read({ uri: '', charset: 'utf8' }, function(err, art, options, resp){

}); // what about html? read('node-art

hello, read-art!

', function(err, art, options, resp){

}); // of course could be var $ = cheerio.load('node-art

hello, read-art!

') read({ cheerio: $ }, function(err, art, options, resp){

}); read({ uri: 'node-art

hello, read-art!

' }, function(err, art, options, resp){

}); /* Promise */ read('

Hello, read-art

') .then(function (art, options, httpResponse) { // TODO: }, function (err) { // Handle error. }) .catch(function (err) { // Catch exception. })

**CAUTION:** Title must be wrapped in a `<title>` tag and content must be wrapped in a `<body>` tag.

**With High Availability: [spider2](**

<a name="debug" />
## Debug
See the [debug]( module.

### Wildcards

read-art.main read-art.article read-art.doctype read-art.reader

### Example
$ DEBUG=read-art.* node app.js
## Better Title The `betterTitle` option could be one type of following: - **Number** The maximize length of title. - **Function** Customize the title by `betterTitle: function(title){}`, the whole title will be passed in. ## Score Rule In some situations, we need to customize score rules to crawl the correct content of article, such as BBS and QA forums. There are two effective ways to do this: - **minTextLength** It's useful to get rid of useless elements (`P` / `DIV`), e.g. `minTextLength: 100` will dump all the blocks that `node.text().length` is less than `100`.


read('', {
  minTextLength: 0,
  scoreRule: function(node){
    if (node.hasClass('w740')) {
      return 100;
}, function(err, art){

## Extract Selectors Some times we wanna extract article somehow, e.g.: pick the text of `.article>h3` as title, and pick `.article>.author` as the author data:


  html: '<title>read-art</title><body><div class="article"><h3 title="--read-art--">Who Am I</h3><p class="section1">hi, dude, i am <b>readability</b></p><p class="section2">aka read-art...</p><small class="author" data-author="Tjatse X">Tjatse</small></div></body>',
  selectors: {
    title: {
      selector: '.article>h3',
      extract: ['text', 'title']
    content: '.article p.section1',
    author: {
      selector: '.article>',
      skipTags: 'a,span',
      extract: {
        shot_name: 'text',
        full_name: 'data-author',
        custom_name: function(node, options) {
          return options.source + ':' + node.text
    source: {
      selector: '.article>.pub_source',
      skipTags: false,
      extract: function(node, options) {
        return options.domain + ':' + node.text()
}, function (err, art) {
  // art.title === {text: 'Who Am I', title: '--read-art--'}
  // art.content === 'hi, dude, i am <b>readability</b>'
  // === {shot_name: 'Tjatse', full_name: 'Tjatse X'}


  • selector the query selector, e.g.: #article>.title, .articles:nth-child(3)

  • extract the data that you wanna extract, could be one of following:

    • Array: each item should be a prop name, e.g.:

      text => node.text() href => node.attr('href') data-src => node.attr('src')

    • Object: key-value pairs, the key is a field name, and the value could be:

      propName: property name of node Function: callback funtion with two aguments passing in - node and options.

  • skipTags a value indicating whether or not skip the tags (remove)

    • Boolean skip nothing if this property is set to false
    • String skip the specific tags (supports CSS3 selectors)

Notes The binding data will be an object or array (object per item) if the extract option is an array object, title and content will override the default extracting methods, and the output of content depends on the output option.

## Image Fallback Should be one of following types: - **Boolean** Fallback to `img.src = ('src') || node.attr('data-src'))` when set to `true`. - **String** Customize the attribute name, it will take `node.attr([imgFallback])` as `src` of `img`. - **Function** Give users maximum customizability and scalability of source attribute on `img`, you can even override the src. e.g.:
imgFallback: function(node, src){
  if (src){
    return src;
  return node.attr('base') + '/' + node.attr('rel-path');


  imgFallback: true
}, function(err, art){});

  imgFallback: 'the-src-attr'
}, function(err, art){});

  imgFallback: function(node, src){
    if (src){
      return src;
    return node.attr('base') + '/' + node.attr('rel-path');
}, function(err, art){});
## Threshold Customize the threshold of anchors and nodes' scores. ### Score The `thresholdScore` is a threshold number which to identify whether or not to discard children of top candidate directly (skip deeper tag/text/link density checking), should be one of following types: - **Number** A finite number. - **Function** Calculate the threshold score by yourself, two arguments are passing in: - *node* The top candidate (mostly like article dom). - *scoreKey* The data key to storage score, you can get score by ``.

After read-art got the top candidate, it starts to analyze the children of top candidate, if the score of current child is greater than thresholdScore, the child will be appended to article body directly.

Math.max(10, * 0.2) by default.

  thresholdScore: 20
}, function(err, art){});

  thresholdScore: function(node, scoreKey){
    return Math.max(10, * 0.2);
}, function(err, art){});
### Link Density `thresholdLinkDensity` is used to identify whether current child of top candidate is a `navigator`, `ad` or `relative-list`, `0.25` by default, so if the text length of anchors in current child devides by text length of top candidate is greater than `thresholdLinkDensity`, the child will be discarded.
  thresholdLinkDensity: 0.25
}, function(err, art){});
## Customize Settings We're using different regexps to iterates over elements (cheerio objects), and removing undesirable nodes. ```javascript read.use(function(){ //[usage] });

The `[usage]` could be one of following:
- `this.reset()`
  Reset the settings to default.
- `this.skipTags([tags], [override])`
  Remove useless elements by tagName, e.g. `this.skipTags('b,span')`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `skiptags` will be `"b,span"`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :


- `this.medias([medias], [override])`
Append the medias dom to article by tagName, e.g. `this.medias('video,img,embed')`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `medias` will be `"video,img,embed"`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin - the original tags are:


- `this.regexps.positive([re], [override])`
If `positive` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it will be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `positive` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :


- `this.regexps.negative([re], [override])`
If `negative` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it will not be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `negative` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :


- `this.regexps.uselessAnchors([re], [override])`
If `uselessAnchors` regexp test `text content` of adjacent sibling anchors(`a+a+a`) success, and the `keepAllLinks` is set to `false`, the parent node of anchor will be removed - normally it could be the pagination, print/email nodes. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/next\spage|previous\spage/i` will match the element likes `<a href="2.htm">Next Page</a>` or `<a href="1.htm">Previous Page</a>`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `uselessAnchors` will be `/next\spage|previous\spage/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :


- `this.regexps.unlikely([re], [override])`
If `unlikely` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it probably will not be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `unlikely` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :


- `this.regexps.maybe([re], [override])`
If `maybe` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, it probably will be took as a candidate. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/dv101|dv102/` will match the element likes `<div class="dv101">...` or `<div id="dv102">...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `maybe` will be `/dv101|dv102/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :


- `this.regexps.div2p([re], [override])`
If `div2p` regexp test `id` + `className` of node success, all divs that don't have children block level elements will be turned into p's. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/<(span|label)/` will match the element likes `<span>...` or `<label>...`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `div2p` will be `/<(span|label)/i`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin, i.e. :


- `this.regexps.images([re], [override])`
If `images` regexp test `src` attribute of node success, it will be picked as a normal `img`, otherwise will be dropped. `[re]` is a regexp, e.g. `/\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i` will match the `image` that `src` likes `/path/to/foo.jpg`, if `[override]` is set to `true`, `readart.regexps.images` will be replaced by `[re]`, otherwise it will be appended to the origin.

### Example
this.regexps.div2p(/<(span|b)/, true);
## Output You can wrap the content of article with different types, it supports `text`, `html` `json` and `cheerio`, the `output` option could be: - **String** One of types, `html` by default. - **Object** Key-value pairs including: - **type** One of types. - **stripSpaces** A value indicates whether or not strip the tab symbols (\r\n\t), `false` by default. - **break** A value indicates whether or not split content into paragraphs by `
` (Only affects JSON output).


Returns the inner text, e.g.:

read('', {
  output: 'text'
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be formatted as TEXT
// or
read('', {
  output: {
    type: 'text',
    stripSpaces: true
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be formatted as TEXT


Returns the inner HTML, e.g.:

read('', {
  output: 'html'
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be formatted as HTML
// or
read('', {
  output: {
    type: 'html',
    stripSpaces: true
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be formatted as HTML

Notes Videos could be scraped now, the domains currently are supported: youtube|vimeo|youku|tudou|56|letv|iqiyi|sohu|sina|163.


Returns the restful result, e.g.:

read('', {
  output: 'json'
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be formatted as JSON
// or
read('', {
  output: {
    type: 'json',
    stripSpaces: true,
    break: true
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be formatted as Array

The art.content will be an Array such as:

  { "type": "img", "value": "" },
  { "type": "text", "value": "TEXT goes here..." }

Util now there are only two types - img and text, the src of img element is absolute even if the original is a relative one.


Returns the cheerio node, e.g.:

read('', {
  output: 'cheerio'
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be a cheerio node
// or
read('', {
  output: {
    type: 'cheerio',
    stripSpaces: true
}, function(err, art){
  // art.content will be a cheerio node

Notes The video sources of the sites are quite different, it's hard to fit all in a common way, I haven't find a good way to solve that, PRs are in demand.

## Notes / Gotchas **Pass the charset manually to refrain from the crazy messy codes** ```javascript read('', { charset: 'gbk' }, function(err, art){ // ... }); ```

Generate agent to simulate browsers

read('', {
  agent: true // true as default
}, function(err, art){
  // ...

Use proxy to avoid being blocked

read('', {
  proxy: {
    host: '',
    port: 8081,
    proxyAuth: 'user:password'
}, function(err, art){
  // ...


npm test


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



Package last updated on 18 Apr 2016

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