Removing of folders and files for Webpack
A plugin for webpack that removes files and folders before and after compilation.
npm install remove-files-webpack-plugin
yarn add remove-files-webpack-plugin
The plugin works on any OS and webpack >= 2.2.0.
const RemovePlugin = require('remove-files-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new RemovePlugin({
before: {
watch: {
after: {
Notes for Windows users
Single backward slash
JavaScript uses it for escaping. If you want to use backward slash, then use double backward slash. Example: C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe
. By the way, single forward slashes are also supported.
Segment separator
All paths that you get or see from the plugin will contain platform-specific segment separator (i.e. slash): \\
on Windows and /
on POSIX. So, for example, even if you passed folders or files with /
as separator, TestObject.method
will give you a path with \\
as segment separator.
Per-drive working directory
From Node.js documentation:
On Windows Node.js follows the concept of per-drive working directory. This behavior can be observed when using a drive path without a backslash. For example, path.resolve('c:\\')
can potentially return a different result than path.resolve('c:')
. For more information, see this MSDN page.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
root | string | . | A root directory. Not absolute paths will be appended to this. Defaults to where package.json and node_modules are located. |
include | string[] | [] | A folders and files for removing. |
exclude | string[] | [] | A folders and files for excluding. |
test | TestObject[] | [] | A folders for testing. |
TestObject.folder | string | Required | A path to the folder (relative to root ). |
TestObject.method | (absolutePath: string) => boolean | Required | A method that accepts an item path (root + folderPath + fileName) and returns value that indicates should this item be removed or not.
TestObject.recursive | boolean | false | Apply this method to all items in subdirectories. |
beforeRemove | (
absoluteFoldersPaths: string[],
absoluteFilesPaths: string[]
) => boolean | undefined | If specified, will be called before removing. Absolute paths of folders and files that will be removed will be passed into this function. If returned value is true , then remove process will be canceled. Will be not called if emulate is on. |
afterRemove | (
absoluteFoldersPaths: string[],
absoluteFilesPaths: string[]
) => void | undefined | If specified, will be called after removing. Absolute paths of folders and files that have been removed will be passed into this function. |
trash | boolean | false | Move folders and files to trash (recycle bin) instead of permanent removing. Requires Windows 8+, macOS 10.12+ or Linux. |
log | boolean | true | Print messages of "info" level (example: "Which folders or files have been removed"). |
logWarning | boolean | true | Print messages of "warning" level (example: "An items for removing not found"). |
logError | boolean | false | Print messages of "error" level (example: "No such file or directory"). |
logDebug | boolean | false | Print messages of "debug" level (used for debugging). |
emulate | boolean | false | Emulate remove process. Print which folders and files will be removed without actually removing them. Ignores log parameter. |
allowRootAndOutside | boolean | false | Allow removing of root directory or outside root directory. It is kind of safe mode. Don't turn it on if you don't know what you actually do! |
How to set
You can pass these parameters into any of the following keys: before
, watch
or after
. Each key is optional, but at least one should be specified.
– executes once before "normal" compilation;watch
– executes every time before "watch" compilation;after
– executes once after "normal" compilation and every time after "watch" compilation.
new RemovePlugin({
before: {
include: [
new RemovePlugin({
watch: {
include: [
new RemovePlugin({
after: {
root: './dist',
include: [
trash: true
new RemovePlugin({
before: {
include: [
log: false,
logWarning: true,
logError: true,
logDebug: false
new RemovePlugin({
after: {
test: [
folder: 'dist/styles',
method: (absoluteItemPath) => {
return new RegExp(/\.map$/, 'm').test(absoluteItemPath);
recursive: true
new RemovePlugin({
after: {
root: './dist',
test: [
folder: './styles',
method: (absoluteItemPath) => {
return new RegExp(/\.css\.map$/, 'm').test(absoluteItemPath);
folder: './scripts',
method: (absoluteItemPath) => {
return new RegExp(/\.js\.map$/, 'm').test(absoluteItemPath);
recursive: true
new RemovePlugin({
before: {
root: './dist'
test: [
folder: './maps',
method: () => true,
recursive: true
exclude: [
after: {
test: [
folder: 'dist/styles',
method: (absoluteItemPath) => {
return new RegExp(/\.css\.map$/, 'm').test(absoluteItemPath);
exclude: [
new RemovePlugin({
before: {
include: [
watch: {
test: [
folder: './dist/js',
method: (absPath) => new RegExp(/(.*)-([^-\\\/]+)\.js/).test(absPath)
after: {
include: [
trash: true
new RemovePlugin({
before: {
root: '.',
include: [
trash: true,
emulate: true,
allowRootAndOutside: true
new RemovePlugin({
after: {
root: './dist',
test: [
folder: '.',
method: () => true,
recursive: true
beforeRemove: (absoluteFoldersPaths, absoluteFilesPaths) => {
if (absoluteFoldersPaths.length) {
return true;
for (const item of absoluteFilesPaths) {
if (item.includes('.txt')) {
return true;
afterRemove: (absoluteFoldersPaths, absoluteFilesPaths) => {
console.log('Successfully removed:');
console.log(`Folders – [${absoluteFoldersPaths}]`);
console.log(`Files – [${absoluteFilesPaths}]`);
log: false
Feel free to use issues. Pull requests are also always welcome!