Bundle analysis comparison ·
Bundle analysis
BundleStats rollup plugin
Analyze rollup stats(bundle size, assets, modules, packages) and compare the results between different builds.
- Bundle size and totals by file type(css, js, img, etc)
- Insights: duplicate packages, new packages
- Initial JS/CSS, Cache invalidation, and other bundle metrics
- Assets report (entrypoint, initial, types, changed, delta)
- Modules report (changed, delta, chunks, duplicate count and percentage)
- Packages report (count, duplicate, changed, delta)
:star: Side by side comparison for multiple builds
Table of Contents
npm install --dev rollup-plugin-bundle-stats
yarn add --dev rollup-plugin-bundle-stats
const { bundleStats } = require('rollup-plugin-bundle-stats');
module.exports = {
output: {
assetFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash][extname]',
chunkFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js',
entryFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js',
plugins: [
const { bundleStats } = require('rollup-plugin-bundle-stats');
module.exports = {
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
assetFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash][extname]',
chunkFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js',
entryFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js',
plugins: [
How to configure Vite for better debugging and monitoring
- use local saved stats for comparison (default true
- save current webpack stats as baseline (default false
- baseline absolute filepath or relative filepath to output.dir
(default 'node_modules/.cache/bundle-stats/baseline.json')html
- output html report (default true
- output json report (default false
- output directory inside rollup output director output.dir
(default ''
- stop logging info and only log warning and error (default false
Compare mode
In compare
mode, the metrics are compared against an existing(node_modules/.cache/bundle-stats/baseline.json
) rollup stats file(baseline). To generate the baseline webpack stats, set BUNDLE_STATS_BASELINE
environmental variable to true
or set the plugin baseline
option to true
# Checkout to the branch/tag/commit where you want to generate the baseline
$ git checkout master
# Build your application with BUNDLE_STATS_BASELINE environmental variable
$ BUNDLE_STATS_BASELINE=true npm run build
# Checkout to the working branch/tag/commit
$ git checkout MY_FEATURE_BRANCH
# Build your application
$ npm run build
The option can be disabled by setting the plugin compare
option to false
Other packages

CLI to generate bundle stats report.

Webpack plugin to generate bundle stats report.

Gatsby plugin for bundle-stats.

Next.js plugin for bundle-stats.
Related projects
Optimize your web app's performance with automated bundle stats analysis and monitoring.
- :crystal_ball: In-depth bundle stats analysis for every build
- :chart_with_upwards_trend: Monitor bundle stats changes and identify opportunities for optimizations
- :bell: Rule based automated review flow, or get notified via GitHub Pull Request comments, GitHub check reports and Slack messages
- :wrench: Support for webpack and beta support for Vite/Rollup
- :hammer: Support for all major CI services(CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Gitlab CI, Jenkins, Travis CI)
- :nut_and_bolt: Support for npm, yarn and pnpm; support for monorepos
- :two_hearts: Always free for Open Source
:rocket: Get started
Standalone web application to compare Webpack/Lighthouse/Browsertime stats.
Compare bundle stats
Github Action that generates bundle-stats reports.