A multi-platform Unix CLI that prints a symlink's complete chain of targets using absolute paths.
The primary purpose of rreadlink
(recursive readlink) is to follow a given symlink to its ultimate target, printing all intermediate symlinks along the way.
All paths are printed as absolute paths, with the ultimate target printed in canonical form.
This is hepful on Linux platforms, for instance, where some utilities are installed as symlinks that point to other symlinks before resolving
to the ultimate target, making it difficult to understand what is ultimately invoked; e.g., on some Linux distros /usr/bin/nawk
links to /etc/alternatives/nawk
, which in turn links to the actual target, /usr/bin/gawk
Note that the native GNU readline
can either only give you the next target (not the ultimate one), or, with -f
or -e
or -m
, only the ultimate target (not intermediate ones).
Loosely speaking, rreadlink
provides the functionality of GNU readline -e
while also including intermediate targets.
has the added advantage of being multi-platform (see Supported Platforms below).
Alternatively, given a non-symlink, rreadlink
prints the argument's canonical path (i.e., any directory components that are symlinks are resolved to their ultimate targets).
See the Usage chapter for details.
See also: typex
provides information about executables in the path (among other things) and has rreadlink
's behavior built in to show what file is ultimately invoked.
Supported Platforms
Any Unix-like platform with POSIX-compatible utilities, with bash
Quick Examples
# Print the symlink chain for executable /usr/bin/nawk (e.g., on Ubuntu):
$ rreadlink /usr/bin/nawk
/usr/bin/nawk@ -> /etc/alternatives/nawk@ -> /usr/bin/gawk
# Ditto, but printing one path per line, without the symlink sigil (@):
# (This format is the default when not outputting to a terminal.)
$ rreadlink -1 /usr/bin/nawk
# Canonicalize the path of a non-symlink:
# (Assume that /var links to /private/var and that log is a regular file.)
$ rreadlink /var/log
With node.js installed, install via the npm registry (you may have to prepend sudo
npm install rreadlink -g
$ rreadlink -h
rreadlink [-s|-1] symLink
rreadlink -e symLink
Recursive readlink: prints the CHAIN OF SYMLINKS
from the input file to its ultimate target, using ABSOLUTE PATHS.
Short output format - a single line is output with ' -> ' between paths,
with symlinks marked with a terminal '@' (similar to `ls -lF`).
This is the default output format when printing to a terminal.
(The number one.) One-line-per-path output format.
Prints each output path on its own line, without the terminal '@'.
This is the default output format when not printing to a terminal.
Prints only the *ultimate* target's absolute path.
Same as GNU readlink's -e (--canonicalize-existing) option.
If the input file is indeed a symlink, you'll get at least 2
output paths (unless -e is specified): the input symlink and its
target; if there are intermediate symlinks, you'll get more.
While each file is output by its absolute path, it is only
the *ultimate* target whose path will be *canonical*.
CAVEAT: *Circular* symlinks are NOT detected and will result in
an infinite loop.
If any of the files in the chain do not exist, processing
stops, an error message is output and exit code 1 is returned.
If the input file is NOT a symlink, only *its* full path is
printed in its *canonical* form. I.e., the file's directory
path - if it happens to have symlink components - is resolved to
its ultimate target.
Thus, you can use
rreadlink -e anyFile
on any existing filesystem object, and you'll either get its own
canonical path (if not a symlink) or its ultimate target's canonical
path (if a symlink).
# Prints the chain of symlinks for the `git` executable
# in the $PATH.
rreadlink $(which git)
# Prints the canonicalized path of the given non-symlink.
# (Example from OSX, where /var links to /private/var.)
rreadlink /var/log # -> '/private/var/log'
Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Klement, released under the MIT license.
This project gratefully depends on the following open-source components, according to the terms of their respective licenses.
npm dependencies below have optional suffixes denoting the type of dependency; the absence of a suffix denotes a required run-time dependency: (D)
denotes a development-time-only dependency, (O)
an optional dependency, and (P)
a peer dependency.
npm Dependencies
Versioning complies with semantic versioning (semver).
v0.1.2 (2015-02-11):
- Doc: Read-me and CLI help improvements.
v0.1.1 (2015-02-11):
v0.1.0 (2015-02-11):