
TSLint is deprecated. All of the rules in this package - with the exception of the RxJS-version-5-only rules - have equivalent ESLint rules in the eslint-plugin-rxjs
and eslint-plugin-rxjs-angular
If you've arrived here looking for the TSLint rules that automatically convert RxJS version 5 code to version 6, you can find those rules here: rxjs-tslint
That said, if you've not already done so, you might want to checkout the rules in this package, too. Using them, you can avoid potential problems and questionable practices.
What is it?
is set of TSLint rules to:
- help manage projects that use
imports; - enforce or disallow Finnish notation; and
- highlight other potential problems (see the rules for details).
Why might you need it?
When using imports that patch Observable
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable";
import "rxjs/add/observable/of";
import "rxjs/add/operator/map";
TypeScript will see the merged declarations in all modules, making it difficult to find rxjs/add/...
imports that are missing from modules in which patched observables and operators are used.
This can cause problems, as whether or not Observable
is patched then depends upon the order in which the modules are executed.
The rules in this package can be used to highlight missing - or unused - imports and other potential problems with RxJS.
There are some examples of policies that can be implemented using particular rule combinations in:
And Christian Liebel has written about his approach to importing RxJS in his blog post:
Install the package using NPM:
npm install rxjs-tslint-rules --save-dev
Update your tslint.json
file to extend this package:
"extends": [
"rules": {
"rxjs-add": { "severity": "error" },
"rxjs-no-unused-add": { "severity": "error" }
WARNING: Before configuring any of the following rules, you should ensure that TSLint's no-unused-variable
rule is not enabled in your configuration (or in any configuration that you extend). That rule has caused problems in the past - as it leaves the TypeScript program in an unstable state - and has a significant number of still-open issues. Consider using the no-unused-declaration
rule from tslint-etc
The package includes the following rules (none of which are enabled by default):
Rule | Description | Options |
rxjs-add | Enforces the importation of patched observables and operators used in the module. | See below |
rxjs-ban-observables | Disallows the use of banned observables. | See below |
rxjs-ban-operators | Disallows the use of banned operators. | See below |
rxjs-deep-operators | Enforces deep importation from within rxjs/operators - e.g. rxjs/operators/map . Until Webpack does not require configuration for tree shaking to work, there will be situations where deep imports are preferred. | None |
rxjs-finnish | Enforces the use of Finnish notation. | See below |
rxjs-just | Enforces the use of a just alias for of . Some other Rx implementations use just and if that's your preference, this is the rule for you. (There was some discussion about deprecating of in favour of just , but it was decided to stick with of .) This rule includes a fixer. | None |
rxjs-no-add | Disallows the importation of patched observables and operators. | See below |
rxjs-no-async-subscribe | Disallows passing async functions to subscribe. | None |
rxjs-no-compat | Disallows importation from locations that depend upon rxjs-compat . | None |
rxjs-no-connectable | Disallows operators that return connectable observables. | None |
rxjs-no-create | Disallows the calling of Observable.create . Use new Observable instead. | None |
rxjs-no-deep-operators | Disallows deep importation from rxjs/operators . Deep imports won't be in available in RxJS v6. | None |
rxjs-no-do | I do without do operators. Do you not? Well, do isn't always a code smell, but this rule can be useful as a warning. | None |
rxjs-no-explicit-generics | Disallows the explicit specification of generic type arguments when calling operators. Rely upon TypeScript's inference instead. | None |
rxjs-no-exposed-subjects | Disallows exposed subjects. In classes, Subject properties and methods that return a Subject must be private . | See below |
rxjs-no-finnish | Disallows the use of Finnish notation. | None |
rxjs-no-ignored-error | Disallows the calling of subscribe without specifying an error handler. | None |
rxjs-no-ignored-notifier | Disallows observables not composed from the repeatWhen or retryWhen notifier. | None |
rxjs-no-ignored-observable | Disallows the ignoring of observables returned by functions. | None. |
rxjs-no-ignored-replay-buffer | Disallows using ReplaySubject , publishReplay or shareReplay without specifying the buffer size. | None |
rxjs-no-ignored-subscribe | Disallows the calling of subscribe without specifying arguments. | None |
rxjs-no-ignored-subscription | Disallows ignoring the subscription returned by subscribe. | None |
rxjs-no-ignored-takewhile-value | Disallows the ignoring of the takeWhile value. | None |
rxjs-no-implicit-any-catch | Like the no-implicit-any-catch rule in @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin , but for the catchError operator instead of catch clauses. | |
rxjs-no-index | Disallows importation from rxjs/index , etc. - for the reason, see this issue. | None |
rxjs-no-internal | Disallows importation from rxjs/internal . | None |
rxjs-no-nested-subscribe | Disallows the calling of subscribe within a subscribe callback. | None |
rxjs-no-operator | Disallows importation from rxjs/operator . Useful if you prefer 'pipeable' operators - which are located in the operators directory. | None |
rxjs-no-patched | Disallows the calling of patched methods. Methods must be imported and called explicitly - not via Observable or Observable.prototype . | See below |
rxjs-no-redundant-notify | Disallows redundant notifications from completed or errored observables. | None |
rxjs-no-sharereplay | Disallows using the shareReplay operator. Prior to version 6.4.0, that operator had some surprising behaviour. | See below |
rxjs-no-subclass | Disallows subclassing RxJS classes. | None |
rxjs-no-subject-unsubscribe | Disallows calling the unsubscribe method of a Subject instance. For an explanation of why this can be a problem, see this Stack Overflow answer. | None |
rxjs-no-subject-value | Disallows accessing the value property of a BehaviorSubject instance. | None |
rxjs-no-tap | An alias for rxjs-no-do . | None |
rxjs-no-unbound-methods | Disallows the passing of unbound methods as callbacks. | None |
rxjs-no-unsafe-catch | Disallows unsafe catch and catchError usage in NgRx effects and redux-observable epics. | See below |
rxjs-no-unsafe-first | Disallows unsafe first and take usage in NgRx effects and redux-observable epics. | None |
rxjs-no-unsafe-scope | Disallows the use of variables/properties from unsafe/outer scopes in operator callbacks. | See below |
rxjs-no-unsafe-subject-next | Disallows unsafe optional next calls. The argument passed to next is optional, but not passing it is often unsafe. | None |
rxjs-no-unsafe-switchmap | Disallows unsafe switchMap usage in NgRx effects and redux-observable epics. | See below |
rxjs-no-unsafe-takeuntil | Disallows the application of operators after takeUntil . Operators placed after takeUntil can effect subscription leaks. | See below |
rxjs-no-unused-add | Disallows the importation of patched observables or operators that are not used in the module. | None |
rxjs-no-wholesale | Disallows the wholesale importation of rxjs or rxjs/Rx . | None |
rxjs-prefer-angular-async-pipe | Disallows the calling of subscribe within an Angular component. | None |
rxjs-prefer-angular-composition | Enforces the composition of subscriptions within an Angular component. The rule ensures that subscriptions are composed into a class-property Subscription and that the Subscription is unsubscribed in ngOnDestroy . (For an example, see the tests.) | None |
rxjs-prefer-angular-takeuntil | Enforces the application of the takeUntil operator when calling subscribe within Angular components (and, optionally, within services, directives, and pipes). The rule (optionally) ensures that takeUntil is passed a class-property Subject and that the Subject is notified in ngOnDestroy . (For an example, see the tests.) | See below |
rxjs-prefer-observer | Enforces the passing of observers to subscribe and tap . See this RxJS issue. | See below |
rxjs-suffix-subjects | Disalllows subjects that don't end with the specified suffix option. | See below |
rxjs-throw-error | Enforces the passing of Error values to error notifications. | None |
The rxjs-add
rule takes an optional object with the property file
. This is the path of the module - relative to the tsconfig.json
- that imports the patched observables and operators.
For example:
"rules": {
"rxjs-add": {
"options": [{
"allowElsewhere": false,
"allowUnused": false,
"file": "./source/rxjs-imports.ts"
"severity": "error"
Specifying the file
option allows all of the patched observables and operators to be kept in a central location. Said module should be imported before other modules that use patched observables and operators. The importation of said module is not enforced; the rule only ensures that it imports observables and operators that are used in other modules.
If file
is specified, the allowElsewhere
and allowUnused
options can be used to configure whether or not patched imports are allowed in other files and whether or not unused patched imports are allowed. Both allowElsewhere
and allowUnused
default to false
Note that there is no file
option for the rxjs-no-unused-add
rule, so that rule should not be used in conjunction with the rxjs-add
rule - if the file
option is specified for the latter. Use the rxjs-add
rule's allowUnused
option instead.
If the file
option is not specified, patched observables and operators must be imported in the modules in which they are used.
The rxjs-ban-observables
and rxjs-ban-operators
rules take an object containing keys that are the names of observables/operators and values that are either booleans or strings containing the explanation for the ban.
For example:
"rules": {
"rxjs-ban-operators": {
"options": [{
"concat": "Use the concat factory function",
"merge": "Use the merge factory function"
"severity": "error"
The rxjs-finnish
rule takes an optional object with optional functions
, methods
, parameters
, properties
and variables
The properties are booleans and determine whether or not Finnish notation is enforced. All properties default to true
For example, to enforce Finnish notation for variables only:
"rules": {
"rxjs-finnish": {
"options": [{
"functions": false,
"methods": false,
"parameters": false,
"properties": false,
"variables": true
"severity": "error"
The options also support names
and types
properties that can be used to prevent the enforcement of Finnish notation for certain names or types. The properties themselves are objects with keys that are regular expressions and values that are booleans.
For example, the following configuration will not enforce Finnish notation for names ending with Stream
or for the EventEmitter
"rules": {
"rxjs-finnish": {
"options": [{
"names": {
"Stream$": false
"types": {
"^EventEmitter$": false
"severity": "error"
If the types
property is not specified, it will default to not enforcing Finnish notation for Angular's EventEmitter
rxjs-no-add and rxjs-no-patched
The rxjs-no-add
and rxjs-no-patched
rules take an optional object with the optional properties allowObservables
and allowOperators
. The properties can be specified as booleans - to allow or disallow all observables or operators - or as arrays of strings - to allow or disallow a subset of observables or operators.
For example:
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-patched": {
"options": [{
"allowObservables": ["never", "throw"],
"allowOperators": false
"severity": "error"
The rule has an optional allowProtected
property that can be specified - it defaults to false
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-exposed-subjects": {
"options": [{
"allowProtected": true
"severity": "error"
This rule disallows the use of shareReplay
as, prior to RxJS 6.4.0, it exhibited some surprising behaviour - see this PR for an explanation. In 6.4.0 and later, it's now possible to pass a configuration argument that includes a refCount
property - so whether or not the implementation reference counts subscriptions can be determined by the caller.
The rule now has an optional allowConfig
property that can be specified - it defaults to false
- to allow shareReplay
to be used as long as a config argument is passed:
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-sharereplay": {
"options": [{
"allowConfig": true
"severity": "error"
This rule disallows the usage of catch
and catchError
operators - in effects and epics - that are not within a flattening operator (switchMap
, etc.). Such usage will see the effect or epic complete and stop dispatching actions after an error occurs. See Paul Lessing's article: Handling Errors in NgRx Effects.
The rule takes an optional object with an optional observable
property. The property can be specifed as a regular expression string or as an array of words and is used to identify the action observables from which effects and epics are composed.
The following options are equivalent to the rule's default configuration:
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-unsafe-catch": {
"options": [{
"observable": "action(s|\\$)?"
"severity": "error"
The rule takes an optional object with optional allowDo
, allowMethods
, allowParameters
, allowProperties
, allowSubscribe
and allowTap
If the allowDo
and allowTap
options are true
, the rule is not applied within do
and tap
operators respectively.
If the allowParameters
option is true
, referencing function parameters from outer scopes is allowed.
If the allowMethods
option is true
, calling methods via this
is allowed.
If the allowProperties
option is true
, accessing properties via this
is allowed.
If the allowSubscribe
option is true
, the rule is not applied within subscribe
The following options are equivalent to the rule's default configuration:
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-unsafe-scope": {
"options": [{
"allowDo": true,
"allowMethods": true,
"allowParameters": true,
"allowProperties": false,
"allowSubscribe": true,
"allowTap": true
"severity": "error"
The rxjs-no-unsafe-switchmap
rule does its best to determine whether or not NgRx effects or redux-observable
epics use the switchMap
operator with actions for which it could be unsafe.
For example, it would be unsafe to use switchMap
in an effect or epic that deletes a resource. If the user were to instigate another delete action whilst one was pending, the pending action would be cancelled and the pending delete might or might not occur. Victor Savkin has mentioned such scenarios in a tweet and I've written an article that's based on his tweet: Avoiding switchMap-Related Bugs.
The rule takes an optional object with optional allow
, disallow
and observable
properties. The properties can be specifed as regular expression strings or as arrays of words.
If the allow
option is specified, actions that do not match the regular expression or do not contain any of the specified words will effect an error if switchMap
is used.
If the disallow
option is specified, actions that match the regular expression or contain one of the specified words will effect an error if switchMap
is used.
If neither option is specifed, the rule will default to a set of words are are likely to be present in any actions for which switchMap
is unsafe.
The observable
property is used to identify the action observables from which effects and epics are composed.
The following options are equivalent to the rule's default configuration:
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-unsafe-switchmap": {
"options": [{
"disallow": ["add", "create", "delete", "post", "put", "remove", "set", "update"],
"observable": "action(s|\\$)?"
"severity": "error"
To disallow or warn about all uses of switchMap
within effects or epics, use a regular expression that will match all action types:
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-unsafe-switchmap": {
"options": [{
"disallow": "."
"severity": "error"
The rule takes an optional object with optional alias
and allow
The alias
property is an array containing the names of operators that aliases for takeUntil
The allow
property is an array containing the names of the operators that are allowed to follow takeUntil
The following options are equivalent to the rule's default configuration:
"rules": {
"rxjs-no-unsafe-takeuntil": {
"options": [{
"allow": ["count", "defaultIfEmpty", "endWith", "every", "finalize", "finally", "isEmpty", "last", "max", "min", "publish", "publishBehavior", "publishLast", "publishReplay", "reduce", "share", "shareReplay", "skipLast", "takeLast", "throwIfEmpty", "toArray"]
"severity": "error"
The rule takes an optional object with optional alias
, checkDecorators
and checkDestroy
properties. The alias
property is an array containing the names of operators that aliases for takeUntil
. The checkDecorators
property is an array containing the names of the decorators that determine whether or not a class is checked. And the checkDestroy
property is a boolean that determines whether or not a Subject
-based ngOnDestroy
must be implemented.
The rule takes an optional object with an optional allowNext
property. The property defaults to true
, allowing a next
callback to be passed instead of an observer. For more information, see this RxJS issue.
The following options are equivalent to the rule's default configuration:
"rules": {
"rxjs-prefer-observer": {
"options": [{
"allowNext": true
"severity": "error"
The rule takes an optional object with optional parameters
, properties
and variables
properties. The properties are booleans and determine whether or not subjects used in those situations need a suffix.
, properties
and variables
default to true
, and the default suffix is 'Subject'.
The object also has optional types
properties which are themselves objects containing keys that are regular expressions and values that are booleans - indicating whether suffixing is required for particular types.
The following options are equivalent to the rule's default configuration:
"rules": {
"rxjs-suffix-subjects": {
"options": [{
"parameters": true,
"properties": true,
"suffix": "Subject",
"variables": true
"severity": "error"
Angular's CLI runs TSLint three times:
- first, with application files from
(using src/tsconfig.app.json
); - then with the test files from
(using src/tsconfig.spec.json
); - and, finally, with files from
(using e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json
If you are using the file
option of the rxjs-add
rule to ensure patched observables and operators are kept in a central location, there are some configuration changes that you should make:
I'd recommend switching off rxjs-add
for the e2e
linting, as the central file isn't necessary or appropriate. The simplest way to do this is to create an e2e/tslint.json
file with the following content:
"extends": ["../tslint.json"],
"rules": {
"rxjs-add": { "severity": "off" }
And, for the test linting, I'd recommend adding the central file to the TypeScript configuration. If the central file is, say, src/rxjs.imports.ts
, add that file to the "files"
in src/tsconfig.spec.json
"files": [
Alternatively, you can import rxjs.imports.ts
directly into tests.ts
, like this:
import "./rxjs.imports";
With these changes, the rule should play nice with the CLI's running of TSLint. If you are using "allowUnused": false
and receive errors about unused operators, you should make sure that files in which those operators are used are imported into at least one test. (The rule will walk all files included in the TypeScript program - not just the specs - so if an unused error is effected, the file using the unused operator is not present in the program and needs to be imported into a test.)
If you experience difficulties in configuring the rules with an @angular/cli
-generated application, there is an example in this repo of a working configuration. To see the configuration changes that were made to a vanilla CLI application, have a look at this commit.
is declared as a Function
, which means that its return type is any
. This results in an observable that's not seen by the rules, as they use TypeScript's TypeChecker to determine whether or not a call involves an observable.
The rule implementations include no special handling for this case, so if spurious errors are effected due to Observable.create
, explicit typing can resolve them. For example:
const ob: Observable<number> = Observable.create((observer: Observer<number>) => { ...