Slack Weather Bot
Uses the Yahoo weather API via HTTPS to return the weather of a specified location/city to your Slack chat, using the RTM API.
Step 1
You first need this bot running on your Slack chat:
Step 2
Once you have your bot running off your script similar to example_bot.js on the xBytez repo, install the slackweatherbot via npm:
(sudo) npm install slackweatherbot
Step 3
Require the module in your bot script:
var slackweatherbot = require('slackweatherbot');
weatherBot = new slackweatherbot();
Step 4
Within the switch statement place the following code:
case "weather":
var location = command[1];
weatherBot.getWeather(location, function (err, message) {
if (message) slack.sendMsg(, message);
Step 5
The module should work as per the screenshot above.