This is the 6pac SlickGrid repo
Check out the NEW SlickGrid Website! http://slickgrid.net/
This is the acknowledged and most active fork of SlickGrid.
It aims to be a viable alternative master repo, building on the legacy of the mleibman/SlickGrid master branch, keeping dependencies up to date and applying, safe core patches and enhancements to keep the project up to date.
We extended the project from the original SlickGrid foundation while also including the following changes:
- added a few more Plugins: RowDetail, CellMenu, ContextMenu, GridMenu, CustomTooltip, GridState
- merged X-SlickGrid code into the project to bring Frozen Columns/Rows (aka Pinning)
- removed jQueryUI requirement in v3 (replaced it with SortableJS)
- removed jQuery requirement in v4
- modernized the project in v5 by migrating to TypeScript (we kept IIFE and added ES6/ESM build targets) and we also gave SlickGrid a fresh and more modern look via a new Alpine Theme (CSS/SASS)
- the project now has only 1 required dependency which is SortableJS
Check out the Examples Wiki for a full list of examples demonstrating new features and use cases, such as dynamic grid creation and editors with third party controls.
Also take a look at the Wiki and Releases for documentation and news.
For a basic TypeScript example, take a look at the v5.0 Annoucement & Migration guide shown below and also the TypeScript Example Wiki.
Here's one of the available examples from above Realtime Trading

Vite Demo
You can also see a ViteJS demo in the ./vite-demo folder, this Vite demo was created mostly to test the project ESM build and also the SASS imports as well.
There are multiple ways to use and install SlickGrid, you can use it as a standalone (IIFE) or install it through NPM then import
or require
SlickGrid (import
is preferred for tree shaking).
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/slickgrid@5.13.1/dist/styles/css/slick-alpine-theme.min.css">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/slickgrid@5.13.1/dist/browser/slick.core.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/slickgrid@5.13.1/dist/browser/slick.interactions.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/slickgrid@5.13.1/dist/browser/slick.grid.min.js"></script>
const grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", dataView, columns, options);
npm install slickgrid
<script type="module">
import 'slickgrid/dist/styles/css/slick-alpine-theme.css';
import { SlickGrid, SlickDataView } from 'slickgrid';
const dataView = new SlickDataView({ inlineFilters: true });
const grid = new SlickGrid("#myGrid", dataView, columns, options);
For more CDN links, like controls and plugins, just headover to jsDevlivr - SlickGrid for the full list and click on the "Files" tab (or use this jsdelivr CDN link "dist/browser").
See Contributing Guide
E2E Tests with Cypress
We have started to add E2E (end to end) tests in the browser by using Cypress. You can see here the list of Examples that now have E2E tests. We also run these tests in the GitHub Actions Workflow (CI) on every Pull Request to avoid committing changes that might break the library. We currently have tests for over 30+ examples with over 350+ tests.
We welcome any new contributions and if you wish to add Cypress E2E tests, all you need to do is to clone the repo and run the following commands
npm install
npm run dev
npm run cypress
Once the Cypress UI is open, you can then click on "Run all Specs" to execute all E2E browser tests.
SlickGrid | Migration Guide | Description |
3.x | Announcing v3.0 | dropping jQueryUI requirement and replaced it with SortableJS which is a lot more modern and touch friendly |
4.x | Announcing v4.0 | dropping jQuery requirement, SlickGrid is now using browser native code |
5.x | Announcing v5.0 | project modernization, we added TypeScript with ES6, ESM builds and also a new Alpine Theme |
CSP Compliance
The library is now, at least for the most part, CSP (Content Security Policy) compliant since v5.5.0
, however there are some exceptions to be aware of. When using any html string as template (for example with Custom Formatter returning an html string), you will not be fully compliant unless you return TrustedHTML
. You can achieve this by using the sanitizer
method in combo with DOMPurify to return TrustedHTML
, for more info please take a look at the CSP Compliance Wiki.
Quick Little Fun Survey ✨
We are conducting a small little poll for fun, it is a single question survey about our latest releases. Thanks for taking the time to participate.
What do you think was the most exciting change(s) for you?