Stimulus Flatpickr
A simple wrapper of Flatpickr for Stimulus
This in an experimental wrapper on Flatpickr for using Stimulus.js. all configurations for the datetime picker can be set directly from the data-attributes
of the HTML. This can be handly when working as an example with a Rails backend so that all settings for the DateTime picker can be set by the backend when generating the view.
This assumes that you have Stimulus and Flatpickr already installed.
In your project add the stimulus Flatpickr npm module.
$ yarn add stimulus-flatpickr
$ npm i stimulus-flatpickr
Basic usage
If you only need to convert an input field in a DateTime picker you just need to register a standard Stimulus controller and add some markup to you input field.
Register Flatpickr Controller
manually register a new stimulus controller in your main js entry point.
import { Application } from "stimulus";
import Flatpickr from "stimulus-flatpickr";
import { definitionsFromContext } from "stimulus/webpack-helpers";
const application = Application.start();
const context = require.context("../controllers", true, /\.js$/);
application.register("flatpickr", Flatpickr);
Using in Rails
You can now create forms and input fields easily by adding a data-controller="flatpickr"
attribute to the input fields.
<%= form_with model:, authenticity_token: true do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :start_time,
data: {
controller: "flatpickr",
flatpickr_enable_time: true,
flatpickr_format: "Y-m-d H:i",
flatpickr_minute_increment: 30,
flatpickr_max_date: + 3.days
} %>
<% end %>
Will generate:

All options for Flatpickr can be found here.
All options are in camelCase
(JS) and must be converted to lower_snake_case
in the data-attribute
. lower_snake_case
are automaticcally converted to kebab-case
when rails renders the html.
<%= f.text_field :start_time,
data: {
controller: "flatpickr",
flatpickr_enable_time: true
} %>
will output this HTML:
<input data-controller="flatpickr" data-flatpickr-enable-time="true" type="text" name="appointement[start_time]" >
HTML markup
If you are not using Rails or simply wants to markup your HTML directly, simply add a html data-controller="flatpickr"
to your input field and some options html data-flatpickr-some-option="value"
options must be converted from camelCase
to kebab-case